Cypress: Benefits And Contraindications

Cypress is popular for its medicinal applications. In particular, it seems to help improve cold symptoms and circulatory difficulties. What other benefits does it bring? Find out!

Although the cypress is a genus of trees, we will focus on the Cupressus sempervirens species , also known as ‘common cypress’ or ‘Mediterranean cypress’. This is characterized by being an evergreen tree with a pyramidal shape and a great longevity. It is even estimated that there are specimens over 1000 years old.

In ancient times, this species was considered a funerary symbol and was used for the construction of buildings and ships. For their part, the leaves, seeds and fruits were used by traditional medicine to prepare ointments capable of relieving the common cold and bronchitis. Discover its benefits and possible adverse effects.

Main properties of the cypress

According to an analysis published in the IOSR Journal of Pharmacy , Cupressus sempervirens is composed of alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, phenols, and essential oils that give it antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, healing and other properties.

Another study published in The Mediterranean Diet also highlighted these benefits. The research showed that the common cypress has a series of active principles, especially phenols and essential oils, responsible for its antimicrobial, antioxidant and antiviral effects.

Main properties of the cypress

Cypress benefits

Folk medicine uses cypress to soothe some symptoms of the common cold, reduce circulatory problems, minimize skin eruptions, among others. Science, for its part, has determined that cypress oil has a number of important benefits. Find out what they are in detail.

1. Calm the cough

Cypress oil is believed to be able to fight coughs because of its content in camphene, a molecule frequently found in natural cough suppressants. However, more research is still required.

Now, if you want to alleviate this discomfort with cypress oil, it is best to use a diffuser. Simply add a few drops of diluted essential oil during a warm bath, and inhale.

2. Fight warts

Cypress oil is linked to a reduction in the number of warts caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). This has antimicrobial and antiviral properties that allow treating skin conditions, such as those that cause this unsightly symptom.

Research published in the Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Science determined that cypress oil is effective against herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), characterized by the presence of warts and cold sores. Keep in mind that if you do not know the cause of the wart, it is best to consult a specialist.

3. Deflate hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the region of the anus and rectum. According to a study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine , cypress oil can be applied to this area to relieve inflammation and kill bacteria. Of course, it must be diluted in plenty of water or a carrier oil (coconut, olive, almonds, etc.).

4. Clean cuts, wounds and infections

The cypress has chemical compounds that give it antimicrobial effects. For this reason, it can be useful for cleaning cuts and wounds, and preventing the development of infections. Of course, you should make sure to dilute the oil in a carrier before applying it.

5. Reduce pimples and acne

Bacteria are one of the causes of acne and pimples. A 2017 review found that cypress oil is an adjunct against this skin disorder, since it has an antimicrobial effect capable of reducing its severity through the elimination of bacteria.

Since the concentration of the oil is usually quite high, you should dilute it before applying it to your skin. You can add about 5 drops in a spray bottle of water, or you can mix the same amount with a tablespoon of olive or coconut oil.

6. Reduce cellulite

The same 2017 review stated that cypress oil is one of the most used in massages recommended to treat cellulite. However, more research is still required to verify its effectiveness against this skin disorder.

7. Fight varicose veins

Considered a sign of poor circulation, varicose veins are usually treated with massages that include different essential oils. While it is true that diluted cypress oil can be used in this practice, there is no conclusive evidence on its benefits.

8. Control anxiety and stress

According to a study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine , aromatherapy massages can have significant physical and psychological benefits.

Research of 11 participants who received massages with lavender, cypress and sweet marjoram oils mixed with almond oil, revealed a decrease in anxiety and depression levels. However, more research is required.


9. Relieve muscle pain

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) states that massage therapy is effective in relieving pain in areas such as the back and neck.

For its part, cypress oil is one of the most used during these relaxing sessions. It is believed to act as an antispasmodic that reduces pain and cramps, but more conclusive studies are still needed.

How is cypress used?

Cypress can be used topically through decoctions, oils or infusions.

  • Decoction : it is made by adding 50 g of dried leaves to a liter of water. Then, it should be cooked over high heat and, when it starts to boil, it is lowered to medium heat and left to rest for 30 minutes. Finally, it is filtered and used as a wash or compress.
  • Infusion : to make it, you must add 10 g of the dried plant for every 200 ml of water. In this way, once the leaves are included, hot water is added, covered and left to rest for 5 minutes. After this period, it is filtered and allowed to cool.
  • Oil : it is extracted from the fresh leaves and galls of the cypress. It is usually the most commercialized and used form in aromatherapy and massage treatments.

Natural remedies with cypress

Given its popularity in traditional medicine, it is not surprising that there are a variety of natural remedies made with the different parts of this tree. Some of the best known are those mentioned below.

Sitz bath with cypress for hemorrhoids

A sitz bath involves sitting in a shallow container that has warm water. Follow each of the steps listed in the space below to get the most out of this remedy.


  • 10 drops of cypress oil.
  • 6 crushed witch hazel leaves.
  • 3 crushed mallow leaves.
  • 2 liters of water.


  1. Mix all the plants and the cypress oil.
  2. In a saucepan, add 2 tablespoons of this mixture for every 2 liters of water.
  3. Boil for 5 minutes, let it rest and strain.
  4. Pour the infusion into a container and sit on it until it has cooled down.

Cypress infusion to treat varicose veins

This preparation is used to make compresses that are placed on the affected area to reduce inflammation. The ingredients and preparation are as follows.


  • 10 drops of cypress.
  • 1 tablespoon of horse chestnut.
  • 1 tablespoon of witch hazel.
  • 2 liters of water.


  1. Mix the plants with the cypress and place them in a pot with water.
  2. Boil for 5 minutes, let it rest and proceed to filter.
  3. Finally, soak some compresses and apply them when they are warm in the areas of the varicose veins 2 to 3 times a day.

Cypress contraindications

Cypress, especially its oil, can have adverse effects if used improperly. It is normal for a person allergic to essential oils to have a reaction that includes the following:

  • Itching
  • Inflammation.
  • Redness
  • Pain and burning

It is also not recommended in pregnant or lactating women. In the case of babies, small children and pets, its use is restricted unless it has been indicated by a specialist.

What to remember about the cypress?

The Cupressus sempervirens , common or Mediterranean cypress, is a species of tree that stands out for its pyramid shape and longevity. In addition to being used for construction, the cypress is appreciated for its medicinal properties. 

It is able to improve coughs, varicose veins and muscle pain, while fighting warts, pimples and acne. However, it should always be diluted to avoid unwanted effects.

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