Detox Plan To Eliminate Toxins With Lemon, Celery And Dandelion

Have you proposed to follow a detox plan or, in other words , a cleansing diet to eliminate toxins  naturally?

You may not know where to start, as there is a lot of information and not all of it is appropriate.

In this article we propose a simple and natural detox plan , with inexpensive ingredients at your fingertips and very beneficial results for losing weight. 

What is a detox plan ?

What is a detox plan

A detox plan is a diet or natural treatment to eliminate toxins based on a balanced and natural diet.

It is not a “miracle” diet in which calories and amounts are restricted.

Some detox plans focus on the virtues of foods with medicinal properties, but in no case will the consumption of these be exclusive, but we will include them in a balanced diet.

Others are based on very restrictive fasts or temporary cleansing cures. However, they should always be done under the supervision of a professional.

How do I know if I need it?

A detox plan is a period in which we worry a little more about restoring good health or getting the right weight gradually and with common sense.

We recommend doing it sporadically and temporarily to achieve the following goals:

  • Make up for a time of excesses that have made us gain weight.
  • Improve skin and hair problems such as eczema, dandruff, acne, etc.
  • Regulate the digestive system if we suffer from heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, etc.
  • Raise your defenses.
  • Fight the signs of aging.
  • Recover after illness.
  • Fight stress, nervousness, anxiety or exhaustion.

Are there health risks?

There are many types of cleansing plans and many of them we should not do on our own, especially if they are very restrictive, if we suffer from a disease or if we take medication.

We can carry out this detox plan without any risk, since it is based on a balanced diet that we will temporarily supplement with three very healthy and healing foods.

We recommend doing this detox plan for a period of 15 days and waiting at least three months before repeating it. The most suitable times are before the changes of season.

Three cleansing foods

The lemon


Lemon is one of the most cleansing foods.

  • Cleanses the body of toxins
  • Improves the digestive system
  • Balances the pH of our body

It also optimizes the function of the liver, which is one of the main detoxifying organs. All this is a guarantee of good health.

The lemon peel contains more nutrients than the pulp, so it should also be consumed (as long as it is free of waxes and pesticides).

The nutritionist Fátima Branco affirms that as the lemon alkalizes the blood, the metabolic functions are improved and this helps the body to better eliminate toxins.


Celery is a vegetable that enhances the purifying capacity of the kidneys and skin, so it helps us eliminate excess fluids that accumulate in the body and make us gain weight and volume.

By having 90% water and 10% fiber, celery becomes an excellent ally for both renal and intestinal purification.

Due to its oxalate content, those at risk of kidney stones should avoid consuming celery.


Dandelion is a very cleansing medicinal plant because it improves the function of the liver, kidneys and intestines.

Several studies show its diuretic capacity as well as its high content of prebiotics.

We can collect it ourselves, since it is easily recognizable by its yellow flower and the serrated shape of its leaves.

Detox plan

Ingredients for each day

  • ½ lemon (If it is organic we will also use the peeling)
  • A sprig of very green celery (especially the leaves)
  • 5 fresh dandelion leaves or a tablespoon of the dried plant (10 g)
  • 2 liters of water

How do we consume them?

  • Every day we will beat half a lemon, a sprig of celery and 5 fresh dandelion leaves.
  • If we do not get this fresh plant we can prepare an infusion that we will beat later with the lemon and celery.
  • We can sweeten the mixture with a little stevia.
  • We will take this drink divided into several cups, on an empty stomach and throughout the day, outside of meals.

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