Did You Know About These 6 Natural Alternatives To Omeprazole?

Omeprazole is a medicine used to treat stomach problems related to excess acidity, such as gastritis or peptic ulcer.

Parietal cells secrete acid through a structure called a proton pump.

Omeprazole  is responsible for leaving the parietal cells of the stomach inactive, so the production of stomach acid is reduced by 95%.

Antacids and omeprazole

Antacids neutralize hydrochloric acid in the stomach, causing an immediate effect on the discomfort of heartburn.

On the other hand, omeprazole begins to take effect slowly, so its use should be considered as a long and medium term treatment.

It is important to note that while antacids are available over the counter and used sporadically, omeprazole must be prescribed and supervised by a physician.

Side effects of omeprazole

Heart diseases

This study conducted by the Washington University School of Medicine in Missouri (United States) has linked longterm use of this and other proton pump inhibitor (PPI) medications to the following conditions:

  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Increased risk of osteoporotic fractures
  • Increased risk of developing dementia
  • Increased risk of heart disease, as assured by this research carried out by Stanford University.

Natural alternatives to the use of omeprazole

Consuming these remedies, along with a healthy diet, can help us say goodbye to omeprazole and keep stomach upsets caused by excess acidity at bay.

Sodium bicarbonate

Sodium bicarbonate

Being a natural antacid, sodium bicarbonate is a good substitute for omeprazole, although always under medical supervision.

However, its use is contraindicated in hypertensive people, due to the high sodium content that its intake represents.


  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (10 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)

What should you do?

  • Add a tablespoon of baking soda to a glass of water.
  • Drink immediately, before bubbles appear.
  • Take it once a day, after eating.

Apple vinager

In order to avoid chemical additives, it is important to purchase organic apple cider vinegar.

It is a good ally for the mild control of the discomfort of heartburn, according to Arizona State University.


  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (10 ml)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)

What should you do?

  • Add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water.
  • Drink once a day, before the main meal.

Aloe vera juice

5. Aloe vera

According to this study carried out by Bojnurd University (Iran) it is an excellent antacid. Although in the market we can obtain packaged aloe vera, it usually contains added sugar, so it becomes acid when it enters the body. For this reason it is pertinent to make our own aloe juice.


  • 2 aloe vera leaves
  • ½ glass of purified water (100 ml)

What should you do?

  • Cut the leaves in half, crosswise, and scoop out the pulp with a spoon.
  • Place the pulp and water in the blender.
  • Blend until you get a liquid mixture.

Consumption mode

  • Take a tablespoon of aloe juice every day in the morning.
  • Continue treatment for at least a month.

Greek yogurt and coriander mix

Being a dairy product, yogurt provides glutamine, which helps reduce stomach acid naturally.


  • 5 fresh coriander leaves.
  • A tablespoon of nonfat Greek yogurt (20 g)
  • ¾ glass of purified water (150 ml)

What should you do?

  • Mix all the ingredients until they are all incorporated.

Consumption mode

  • Take this mixture daily after eating.


amla oil

Amla is a currant from India that, due to its large amount of nutrients, has been widely used in Ayurvedic medicine. Although there is no scientific evidence in this regard, you do not lose anything by trying it.

Consumption mode

  • Eat a fruit daily, in the morning.
  • Due to its acidic taste, it is recommended to soak before in salty water.
  • It can also be consumed in commercial powder, taking care that the purchased product is of good quality.

Watermelon juice

Watermelon is a good alternative to omeprazole, and can be consumed in cocktails and desserts. Drinking its juice is an excellent way to concentrate its antacid properties, according to this study by Faisalabad University (Pakistan).

Consumption mode

  • Drink a glass (200 ml) of watermelon juice three times a day.
  • Continue this routine for a month.

Healthy habits and tips

In parallel to any treatment, it is necessary to eat an adequate diet, low in fat and abundant in fruits and vegetables.

  • Avoid foods with processed sugars, as these can unbalance stomach bacteria and make heartburn symptoms return.
  • Chew your food properly, to facilitate digestion and avoid reflux.
  •  Instead of three large meals, eat five small meals a day.

In summary…

There are some natural remedies that have a similar effect to omeprazole on the body. For this reason, they can be a good option to replace the drug in the event of a mild heartburn problem.

However, whenever indicated by the doctor, the drug should be taken. Now , maintaining healthy habits can help reduce the need to drink it. Keep that in mind!

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