Did You Know That Having A Glass Of Wine A Day Is Equivalent To An Hour Of Exercise?

According to popular belief, having a glass of wine a day could benefit the body in some particular points, among them, it is believed that it could help to lose weight, treat gum infections, and in some cases, it has reached to believe that it would help increase endorphin levels.

It was even believed that a glass of wine a day could be just as healthy as doing 40 or 50 minutes of exercise.

However, on this subject, it has been verified that different issues occur and to date there is no study that has shown that medicine or any professional could indicate the consumption of this drink with the aim of replacing activities such as sports or in the In the simplest case, leading a lifestyle that includes a healthy, balanced and responsible diet.

Next, we talk a little about this topic and we are sure it might interest you.

The investigation

In contrast to what was mentioned at the beginning of this article, the University of Alberta (Canada) was in charge of carrying out a study; here it was possible to show that red wine contains a substance called resveratrol , but about this stilbenoid , there is very little evidence about the benefits in people with heart disease, to mention an example.

In a 2014 meta-analysis, supplementing resveratrol in regular doses was found to have no effect on blood pressure, but may help blood pressure if used in high doses. Side effects are still under investigation.

Starting from the above, can you believe that drinking a glass of red wine a day is good for the heart. The invitation is to ask ourselves what to do to improve the following aspects on the list.

  • Physical performance.
  • Increased muscle strength.
  • Regulate the circulation of blood to the heart.

Well, until today, there is no more honest answer at a scientific, objective and measurable level other than to lead a lifestyle that includes a balanced, healthy and responsible diet where the necessary daily macronutrients are consumed, as well as incorporating exercises. Cardiovascular events that can range from simply walking 30-40 minutes a day, to going out for a bike ride or going to a gym.

So, it does not mean that you cannot consume wine, that has not been said, it is simply a matter of not exaggerating its consumption arguing “that it is good for my health and saves me from going to the gym”.

So, you already know that we should not go running to buy liters of wine thinking that with it we could stop exercising.

Now, following the line of the topic about the amount of wine that could be consumed daily. You can find examples that recommend a drink a day, there are even those who say that “you can drink wine Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday and train Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday … or vice versa.”

Regarding this, it has been addressed and explained that until now there is no scientific evidence to support these alleged benefits, and that, using common sense, it indicates that they are only myths of popular belief and only that.

Of course you can baby

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