Does Beer Help To Take Care Of Hair And Skin?

Beer is one of the most widely consumed alcoholic beverages in the world. Many prefer it cold on those days of intense heat when they want to drink something refreshing.

Although its excessive consumption is detrimental to several important organs of the body, it has been shown that, in moderate amounts, it can provide important health benefits  thanks to the nutrients that make it up.

Because of this, today many promote its uses beyond its intake, especially for skin and hair care.

However, it is important to be critical of the information we find on the internet and not trust everything we read. Although it is proven that the consumption of beer (in adequate quantities) can provide us with certain nutrients and antioxidants that are good for our body, there is no evidence of its effectiveness as a beauty product.

What’s more, as we will explain in this article, in some cases it can have more drawbacks than advantages, so be careful.

Myths about the benefits of beer for skin and hair

Today we present you 5 myths about the benefits of beer for skin and hair care. Take note!

1. Beer rejuvenates the skin


Traditionally, it is believed that the antioxidant compounds in beer, combined with its vitamins and minerals, make it ideal for fighting free radicals and also for preventing aging.

However, there are no studies to confirm this assumption. It is true that it contains antioxidants, but that does not mean that it will repair our skin and end our wrinkles.

What’s more, it contains alcohol, which, as various studies show, can have harmful effects on our skin in the long term and even promote premature aging.

2. Helps to have strong and long hair

It is widely believed that beer promotes hair growth. However, this is false. It is true that beer contains numerous vitamins and nutrients, but this does not mean that our hair will absorb them and grow stronger.

On the other hand, it contains alcohol, which can be harmful to our hair. What’s more, according to some studies, it could even promote long-term hair loss or thinning.

3. It is a natural exfoliator

Facial scrub

The idea circulates on the internet that, in addition to toning the skin, beer would also help eliminate those dead cells that give it an uneven tone.

However, as we have seen, there are no studies that support its benefits for the skin. In fact, too much alcohol can lead to dehydration, which doesn’t exactly help skin care.

4. Eliminates grease from hair

It is popularly believed that beer can help regulate the pH of the scalp and reduce excess oil production. However, there are no studies to support such a claim. What’s more, as we’ve seen, beer can be bad for our hair.

5. Lightens hair

beer lightens hair

Regular use of beer is believed to maintain a natural lift for fair-haired or light-haired women for a radiant and beautiful mane.

However, there are no studies that support this practice and, although beer may help you lighten your hair a bit, the result will not be what you expect because you will surely end up with dehydrated and brittle hair.

As you have seen, not all the marketed uses of beer for skin and hair care are true. What’s more, in some cases it could even be harmful in the long run. Therefore, be careful with the products you apply to your hair and skin.

These two parts of our body are fundamental to our beauty. Therefore, you must take good care of them and use only products with proven efficacy.

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