Does Beer Make You Fat? Tips For Its Consumption

We love beer in summer and it is very cold! Now, sometimes, we consume it with conscience: If I drink this glass will I get fat? Is it bad for my diet? These are some of the most common questions when asking ourselves whether or not to include beer in our meals.

Today, in our space, we want to reveal all the information about it, for your peace of mind. Meanwhile, we advance you a fact: beer does not make you fat, as long as we consume it in moderation. Likewise, it has high magnesium and potassium content, minerals recommended after physical exertion, as demonstrated by the study carried out by Iracema Santiago, on the nutritional evaluation of beer sediment.

1. If I am on a weight loss diet, can I have beer?

As you already know, beers are rich in fiber, which helps us maintain  a good level of LDL or the so-called bad cholesterol.

4. It is rich in B vitamins (B1, B2, B6 and B12)

Those who drink beer in a regular and balanced way get almost  30% more vitamins of the B complex than those who do not consume it. These vitamins allow us to have more energy, strengthen our bones and muscles and also help us to better metabolize red blood cells.

5. Beer helps improve the health of our bones

That’s right, consuming this drink helps us keep silicon at a good level, which in turn favors health and bone mineral density, as highlighted in this research.

6. Helps us sleep better


Do you know where this secret resides? In its adequate level of nicotinic acid and lactoflavin, which, together with hops, are great to promote the quality of sleep. And so this article published in the  Spanish Journal of Community Nutrition points out.

7. Beer helps prevent blood clots

It is said that it favors the correct circulation of the blood,  helping to avoid the formation of clots, although there is still not enough scientific evidence.

8. Strengthens our immune system

This drink is rich in vitamins and antioxidants, great for strengthening our defenses. If we drink it in a moderate way, two or three glasses a week, for example, it will help us avoid many colds, muscle or joint pain and will also help improve our heart health.

If you want to know more advantages read: 6 great benefits of beer that will surprise you.

3. What is more beneficial: beer or red wine?

Nutritionists tell us that both drinks are adequate, as long as we consume them in moderation. That is, never more than one glass a day. Next, we indicate the differences of each one so that you can make your own choice:

  • Wine:  Drinking a glass of red wine a day will provide us with greater cardiovascular benefits than beer. In addition, it has many more antioxidants, such as polyphenols. It also has higher levels of potassium and magnesium.
  • Beer:  It has more B vitamins, more nutrients and soluble fiber than wine. In turn, it has less alcohol.

    So, the choice will depend on your own tastes. Throughout the week we can combine them, according to the dishes and our personal events, but remember:  Always in moderation!

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