Does Sardine Help Reduce The Risk Of Diabetes?

The best known and studied beneficial effects of oily fish are related to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and inflammatory problems. But in recent years, interest has grown to know if sardines help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

The incidence of this disease is increasing in many countries of the world. According to the Diabetes Atlas, in 2019 463 million people suffered from it. But unlike type 1 or insulin-dependent, its appearance can be prevented as it is related to some eating and lifestyle habits.

The following article details the latest scientific results about the diet for the prevention of diabetes and how to enrich it with this little oily fish to obtain positive results.

Sardines are a nutritional treasure

Abundant in the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic and the Pacific, this blue fish has a habitual presence in the kitchens of many countries. On the other hand, in others she is a true stranger. Despite its small size, it has a good amount of nutrients that make it a food with the ability to improve our health.

In its nutritional composition it can be seen that 100 grams of sardines provide 24 grams of proteins of high biological value and 11 grams of fat. Of the latter, half in the form of omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, being one of the fish with the highest amount of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

In addition, they provide vitamin D and B12 (which is only found in animal sources) and good amounts of some minerals. In 100 grams you can get more calcium than in a glass of milk. There is also the presence of copper that participates in obtaining energy from carbohydrates.  

It is important to note that this type of fish is small in size, so the amount of mercury that accumulates in its body is less than in other larger spices. For this reason, it is recommended its intake between 3 and 4 servings per week among all species of fish.

Blue fish.

Is sardine good for reducing the risk of diabetes?

Thanks to all this potential, the August Pí i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute in Barcelona set out to carry out a study to determine if this food was positive in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. 200 prediabetic adults were recruited. He supplied them with a sardine supplement along with a proper diet.

After a year, the research yields two main conclusions:

  • The first is that a healthy dietary pattern and the establishment of a favorable microbiota provide protection against the development of diabetes mellitus 2 in the obese population with advanced age and in a pre-disease stage.  
  • Second, it is found that following a type 2 diabetes prevention diet with a sardine supplement for one year has a protective effect on the development of the disease and cardiovascular events. Specifically, parameters such as blood pressure, fatty acid composition and expression of disease risk genes are improved. This supplement results in the consumption of sardines twice a week.

    The taurine content of sardines is a key factor, although it is not the only nutrient that plays a determining role. Although the body is capable of generating this amino acid, it only achieves it in small quantities and it must be ingested with food. It is found, above all, in blue fish and shellfish.  

    The diet for type 2 diabetes and fatty acids

    The three pillars for a good management of this disease and its prevention are diet, physical exercise and pharmacological treatment. Food is one of the most worrying points.

    In this sense, the American Diabetes Association determines that there is not a pattern that can be extended to all patients, but rather healthy guidelines to fit into the life of each person. This explains the variability of response that each individual has to one or another product.

    The Mediterranean diet is one of those that obtains the best results in the prevention of the disease and in the reduction of cardiovascular risk in people who already suffer from it. It is characterized by a high presence of vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts and fish. There is a lesser role of dairy and meat.  

    In addition, the intake of oily fish is advised twice a week. As has been seen, sardines help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, making them a perfect specimen. It can be combined with others, such as horse mackerel, mackerel, anchovy, herring or bonito.


    What is there to know about sardines to reduce the risk of diabetes?

    Sardines are an interesting food in the prevention of the risk of type 2 diabetes. The results have been observed with the consumption of two servings a week.

    It is important not to abuse them to prevent them from displacing the consumption of other important foods such as eggs, legumes or other fish. The most recommended to eat on a daily basis are fresh sardines. You can ask the fishmonger to prepare them for cooking, which facilitates their preparation and conservation.

    Fresh fish will last only a few days in the refrigerator. Other ways to preserve it are freezing (once cleaned and gutted) or marinated. Another valid option and always ready to consume are those preserved in a can with olive oil.  

    To take better advantage of their nutrients and properties, they can be cooked on the grill or in the oven with a gentle heat to avoid burning. It is useful to supplement the diet with other positive foods in the prevention of the disease, such as fruits, vegetables, extra virgin olive oil, nuts and legumes.  

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