Eliminate Bed Bugs With These Home Remedies

Bed bugs are small  insects that feed on blood, either human or domestic animals, and are often very difficult to see with the naked eye. One of their favorite places in the home is the beds, since they find there a warm environment and the food they need to survive.

Of course, having to deal with them is a problem because, in addition to causing bites on the skin, they also increase the risk of suffering from different diseases.

Throwing away the mattresses would be the most effective option to eradicate them but, for obvious reasons, it is not ideal. The good news is that there are several home remedies to end this problem and regain a clean and healthy bed.


Vaporizations are one of the simplest and most effective home remedies that can be done to completely eliminate this pest, since bed bugs do not have the ability to withstand high temperatures.

Therefore, a good option is to apply hot steam (120ºF or more / 48.8ºC) on the mattress, as well as on sheets, clothes, curtains and other elements of the room.

Vacuum cleaner

Vacuuming is one of the most popular methods to eradicate all types of insects and mites, especially because it helps access those cracks or spaces where  bed bugs hide.


High temperatures can also help eliminate these insects hiding in mattresses, sheets, cushions, or blankets.

Prolonged exposure to the sun can lead to high temperatures that will eradicate the root problem, since these insects are very sensitive to high temperatures.


Peppermint oil is known to be a household repellent for small insects. This is due to the release of odors that are very annoying to these small organisms, so they will migrate to avoid them.

Therefore, this home remedy can be useful to keep bed bugs out of the room, garden and pets. Another option is lavender oil, as it has a similar effect to the previous one.


Clove is a strongly scented spice that can repel almost all types of insects. It is usually used in the garden to keep ants away, but it can also be used to eliminate annoying and dangerous bed bugs.

Isopropyl alcohol

These insects do not support acidic environments, and therefore isopropyl alcohol (also known as isopropanol) is an effective remedy.

To use it, simply put this product in a spray bottle and spray it all over the areas of the bed where you think they are hidden. Of course, it is very important to clarify that it is a constant process, since it is necessary to repeat the treatment every 6 or 7 days.

Once the product is sprayed, the mattress should be allowed to ventilate to prevent the smell of alcohol from being impregnated.

Final recommendations to kill bed bugs

  • The bed should not be placed against the walls or next to other furniture. Also, under no circumstances should duvets, bedspreads or sheets be left on the floor.
  • If you have pets, you should prevent them from entering the room and try to clean them often.
  • Regularly observe the legs of the bed and other furniture since these insects also tend to hide there.

Finally, it must be borne in mind that regular cleaning and disinfection of the entire room is essential to avoid the presence of all kinds of pests. Therefore, it is very important to clean each space frequently and change the sheets at least twice a month.

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