Exercise Routines To Tone Arms

When doing exercises to tone the arms, it is very important not to overdo the repetitions. Otherwise we could strain the muscle excessively and obtain counterproductive results.

The practice of daily physical activity brings good benefits for the whole organism, likewise, every good routine should include exercises to tone the arms. Contrary to popular belief, this doesn’t have to be extreme. That is, you can do exercises that do not require weights and get a lot out of it.

One of the parts of the body that usually worries both men and women are the arms, as they are usually exposed to everyone’s sight. When they don’t exercise and they look flabby, their skin “sags,” which is unattractive. Here is a routine to tone your arms.

Exercise routines to tone arms

Exercises to tone arms help to work –in general lines– the muscles of this part of the body (deltoids, biceps, triceps brachythe, rhomboid, etc.). Therefore, you can practice them to start getting those arms in shape. Go ahead and you will soon start to see the results!

Hands to chest

You can use a fairly traditional routine that involves placing your arms shoulder-width apart and feet together. You can vary the position a bit to achieve greater effort, for example, hands together in the middle of the chest, using only one arm at a time, legs raised in a chair, among a great variety.

This type of exercise not only has an impact on the arms, but also on the pectorals. But if you only want to work your arms, then it is best to do routines with variety, especially where your hands are placed closer together while forming a triangle on the floor.

  • To start you can lean on a yoga mat and if you don’t have it, the floor is more than enough.
  • Once you are in the support position with feet and hands as wide as you can control, begin to inhale deeply.
  • Start to go down slowly and go up for a count of 3 as you exhale.
  • It can be a bit difficult at first, so be prepared to do as many reps as you can. It does not matter if there are 2, but that they are of quality, well made.
  • Ideally, do it progressively until you can do 3 or 4 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions each.

With weights

You can also work your arms with weights or dumbbells. For this type of exercise it is extremely important not to use too much weight, to keep the body in a suitable position and to perform the movement in the correct way.

All this to avoid any type of injury. It is suggested to consult with a trainer if you decide to use weight. With this exercise you will be working the triceps. Take note!

  • With a dumbbell, place the arm above the head, an angle of about 70º is preferable, which is extended. Then flex back.
  • The idea is to bring your arm up and stretch the triceps muscle   for about 2 or 3 seconds.
  • You can do three sets of 10 or 12 reps for each arm. It can be at the same time with two dumbbells or one at a time.
  • Be careful to bend with the elbow and keep your shoulder stiff. You can be sitting or standing for this routine.

With two dumbbells


When using two dumbbells, you should be standing with your legs shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Get ready to exercise your biceps.

  • You must take both dumbbells and form a 180º angle with your arms.
  • Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent.
  • Your back should be straight and begin to inhale while raising both hands little by little.
  • The idea is to go up and down from thigh height to close to the chest.
  • You can do 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps to start.
  • Remember that the idea is to move forward gradually, steadily but slowly.

The most important thing when exercising is to do it carefully, so as not to cause an injury, and to try hard, no more and no less. To perform these exercises you will not need too much time or space. So there is no excuse for not keeping your arms toned and strong.

What else do I need to do to get strong arms?

Training represents 30% of work, the other 70% is distributed in two important pillars: rest and diet. The first is necessary to help the muscle fiber to be replenished more easily and for the entire system to be oxygenated, a good sleep is a good fiber repairman.

Is it possible to improve performance through diet?

The second, the diet, should be consulted with a nutritionist. This will be able to advise the most suitable for each person, in general, it will be based on age, height, body weight, fat index and work activity to suggest some calories to consume during the day.

Finally, the importance of discipline and the perseverance that must be had to carry out training sessions continuously, so that results are achieved in real terms, should be emphasized, since none of this will be possible from one day to the next. Consistency will be one of the biggest keys to success.

So, do you dare to start training?

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