Fight Bad Breath Naturally With These Remedies

Halitosis or bad breath is a disorder mainly related to poor oral hygiene or to some conditions, such as sinusitis or even some liver diseases.

To try to eliminate bad breath, the first thing to do is improve oral hygiene ; an improper procedure could lead to the accumulation of food residues, the main cause of this disease.

Brushing your teeth three times a day, flossing, and mouthwash are essential to keeping your mouth fresh, clean and healthy. However, in some cases it is not enough to eradicate the problem, especially if it is caused by a more serious disease. Therefore, it is best to always go to the dentist to discern what is the cause and thus be able to act properly and safely.

However, on the internet there are some natural remedies that claim to “cure” halitosis or bad breath. Here, we examine some of the most common and assess their effectiveness. Take note!

Natural remedies to end bad breath

Apple vinager

It has been popularly used to clean the mouth and end bad breath, because it has antimicrobial properties that would help eliminate bacteria from the mouth, thus reducing the levels of toxicity caused by halitosis.

However, although there are numerous studies that support its disinfectant activity, we did not find any that demonstrate its effectiveness in ending halitosis problems.

Sodium bicarbonate

As in the previous case, sodium bicarbonate has been used as an inhibitor of bacterial growth in the mouth, since it is believed that it can alter the pH to prevent the proliferation of tartar, another cause of bad breath.

However, there is no study to support this claim. What is proven is that baking soda is abrasive and can damage tooth enamel. Therefore, it is best to avoid it if we do not want to further deteriorate our oral health.


The idea circulates on the net that chamomile is an excellent blood cleanser, which purifies the liver and prevents the spread of bacteria responsible for bad breath.

However, there is no scientific evidence to support this idea; So if we take chamomile to end bad breath, it will not harm us, but most likely it will not solve our problem.

Chamomile to end bad breath


Cardamom seeds are legendary for their aroma. In addition, some studies show that cardamom extracts are effective in eliminating certain oral pathological bacteria, so it could work as an inhibitor of bad breath.

How should you use it?

Chew the seeds between meals. You can also prepare a cardamom infusion with mint (or spearmint). This can help you relax your digestive system and prevent the spread of bad odors in your mouth.


It is part of the group of fresh herbs that help improve and relax digestive functions by promoting liver function. As we have seen at the beginning, bad breath can be caused by certain liver problems, so parsley could be beneficial to eliminate this problem.

However, remember that parsley is beneficial for the liver, but it is not a treatment. You should always go to the doctor who will give you the most appropriate treatment to end your problem. Parsley is just a supplement that can be beneficial during the healing process, but it alone will not cure you.

Parsley as a natural solution against bad breath

How should you use it?

You can chew some of its leaves from time to time or prepare an infusion to drink between meals.


Traditionally, weed is considered one of the legendary plants for its intense aroma and for its bactericidal properties that would help reduce the growth of bacteria in the mouth.

While it is true that peppermint has antibacterial properties that can help kill certain microbes, the truth is that there is no study that supports its usefulness to eliminate bad breath.

Other myths

Other myths that circulate on the internet but that do not have enough scientific support to support their effectiveness are:

  • Chew cloves to minimize bad breath.
  • Take different infusions of aromatic herbs such as fennel and pennyroyal.
  • Chew celery sticks from time to time to keep your mouth cool.
  • Consume salads to keep the digestive system balanced.
  • Do a purification every month to cleanse the liver of impurities.

    What does work to keep your mouth clean, healthy, and odor-free is proper oral hygiene, drinking plenty of water to keep your mouth fresh and clean, and quitting smoking. This can help us prevent the appearance of halitosis and take care of our mouth.

    Also, there are certain medications that can dry out your mouth. A dry mouth can cause bad breath. In this case, you can ask your doctor if it is possible to change the drug.

    As you have seen, not all natural remedies that are sold as effective to end bad breath are. In addition, in some cases halitosis can be caused by more serious diseases that need medical treatment. That is why the best thing is that if you have recurrent bad breath, you go to  your dentist to check the state of your teeth and that he recommends the most appropriate treatment and products for your case.

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