Foods That Help Regulate The Thyroid

The thyroid is a gland located in the neck that is involved in the production of hormones, especially thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). These hormones regulate the basal metabolism and affect the growth and degree of functionality of other body systems.

When we suffer from some type of thyroid disorder, such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, it is necessary to follow a special diet, since diet plays a very important role in helping to regulate the functioning of the thyroid.

Foods to regulate hyperthyroidism

A person is said to have hyperthyroidism when their thyroid gland is highly stimulated and produces more hormones than it should in a normal state.

As a consequence of this excess of hormones, a state of catabolism can be generated in the body and, in turn, the loss of weight and muscle mass. In these cases, the diet must be above all energetic and, of course, balanced.

1. Dairy

dairy products

It is advisable to consume milk, yogurt and cheese, you can vary using different recipes. It is possible to prepare an enriched milk using yogurt, condensed milk and whole milk powder. The result can be used in your fruit smoothies, desserts, purees or to eat with cereals.

Consult with your nutritionist about how it may be more convenient for you to use milk or yogurt to give your smoothies better flavor and include cheese in salads, soups, pasta, or tortillas.

2. Protein foods

Eggs, meat and fish are advisable. A good option is to cook an egg and cut it into salads, pasta, soups or vegetables. You can do the same with meat and fish, in small portions.

3. Oils and fats

Use cream, heavy cream, olive oil and other sources of healthy fats, such as nuts and other foods.

4. Nuts

Nuts recommended for better sleep.

It is highly recommended to increase the consumption of nuts by adding them to salads, stews, smoothies or consuming them directly.

5. Sugar, honey, bread and cookies

Consume these foods in moderate amounts, you can add sugar or preferably honey, to your fruit smoothies, juices, milk or desserts. You can eat bread and (wholemeal) cookies for breakfast or a snack.

Foods to regulate hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a disorder in the thyroid gland that occurs when there is a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones. This ailment is usually accompanied by symptoms such as fatigue, tiredness, hair loss, drowsiness and can lead to overweight or obesity.

In this case, it is very important to go to a specialist, since he is the only one who can supervise the treatment, as well as a specific diet. In these cases, you must have a balanced diet that includes foods from all the dairy groups , raw or cooked vegetables, fruit, protein foods, and cereals.

As it is a balanced diet and a more difficult disorder to regulate, those with hypothyroidism must use forms of cooking such as the iron, the oven, the boil, the steam or the papillote. In turn, they should avoid fried, battered, stewed, breaded and canned in oil as much as possible.

1. Foods high in fiber and low in fat

Eat lean meats, such as chicken, beef, turkey, and rabbit. Also, include white and blue fish and eggs in your diet. All these foods should be consumed in small portions, preferably 3 to 4 times a week.

2. Fruits and vegetables

Increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits, especially those that are eaten raw. It also includes cereals and starches in moderate portions.

3. Dairy and sugars

As for the consumption of dairy products, these should be milk, yogurts and skimmed cheeses. In turn, instead of sugar you should use honey or stevia. Meals should be distributed between 4 and 5 a day , and none should be skipped.

Physical exercise: the perfect complement

Regular physical exercise is also essential to improve both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Walking, running, climbing stairs, cycling, doing strength exercises or a Zumba session are some of the options you can choose to stay active and healthy.

According to a study published in the Cuban Journal of Biomedical Research, β€œ both aerobic and resistance exercise affect T4 and T3 levels by decreasing, but when intense physical activity is performed, the recovery time from normal hormonal values ​​is higher”.

Consult with your doctor what would be the most appropriate options for your case. This is partly because physical activity is able to positively influence the quality of sleep and the greater or lesser secretion of thyroid hormones, among other important aspects.

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