Foods That Protect Us From Alzheimer’s: Myth Or Reality?

Today the exact cause of Alzheimer’s is not yet known. Research tells us that it is associated with the appearance of senile plaques and the loss of that chemical that allows communication between nerve cells. In relation to this, we will talk about foods that protect us from Alzheimer’s

So how to avoid this deterioration? Our behavioral habits, mental stimulation and a proper diet can reduce the risk of it. And, although the relationship between these premises and the percentage of protection they have against Alzheimer’s is not known with certainty, it is worth knowing.

Diet influences the risk of Alzheimer’s

Studies ensure that eating habits can have a significant impact on the prevention or development of certain diseases, including Alzheimer’s. Obviously, the consumption of certain foods does not assure us that we will not suffer from Alzheimer’s in the future. It only reduces the risk of suffering from it.

In any case, it is about maintaining good nutritional habits, a healthy and adequate diet. Which we can complement with correct behavioral and cognitive habits, such as curiosity and our concern to learn.

Foods that lower the risk of Alzheimer’s

Including the following products in your diet could reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s.

1. Citrus

Citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, strawberries, mangoes or blueberries have a wonderful content of vitamin C and great antioxidant properties. Therefore, they are recommended in the diet, in order to prevent this disease.

2. Curry


Having a good supply of vitamin B is essential for health. Since it is necessary to have a good level of it to take care of bones, hair and teeth, it is also ideal to prevent PMS.

And even more, consuming vitamin B allows us to lower the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood, that element that is harmful to the brain that leads to deterioration and causes nerve cells to lose their functionality.

So, you can find these vitamins in all foods you see in the illustration: nuts, whole grains, bananas, broccoli, pineapple, peppers, apples, eggs, soy .. . do not stop including them in your diet.

There are foods that protect against Alzheimer’s

Finally, we have seen that there are foods that protect us from Alzheimer’s. That is why it is very important to eat a varied and balanced diet. However, the first option when you notice an abnormality in your body should be to visit the doctor.

Anyway, keep in mind that not only diet determines the appearance of this disease. Other lifestyle habits such as the quality of rest and physical activity also determine neurodegenerative processes. Likewise, the fact of frequently stimulating memory acts as a protective factor. There are several changes that we can make on a day-to-day basis in order to prevent aging and all the inconveniences derived from it. Even supplementation could go a long way.

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