Foods To Avoid If You Suffer From Anxiety

Some health problems improve with the adoption of dietary guidelines. Recently, the relationship between diet and mood is also known. Therefore, many people wonder if there are foods to avoid in case of anxiety.

Knowing what is beneficial or harmful is helpful in improving quality of life and obtaining better treatment results. In the following article, we reveal the latest findings on eating and anxiety, a growing condition in the modern world.

What is anxiety and how is it related to eating?

Generalized anxiety disorder is a common and often disabling illness. It is characterized by the appearance of fear and excessive worry in relation to common events or problems.

Anxiety is accompanied by some physical symptoms, such as palpitations, muscle tension, chest tightness, irritability, or difficulty concentrating. With an increasing incidence, in some cases it can clearly affect social, work and personal relationships.

Several studies suggest that there is a relationship between optimal nutrition and better mental health outcomes. A Mediterranean-style diet, characterized by the presence of olive oil, fruits and vegetables, fish and nuts, seems to have a protective effect.

On the contrary, there is a negative relationship between the Western diet and episodes of anxiety and depression. This way of eating is gaining adherents, especially among the adolescent population. It is characterized by the presence of fast food, fried foods, sweets, refined flours, processed meat and few vegetables.

Some of the possible explanations are the ability of certain foods to create a pro-oxidative and inflammatory environment. Also the lack of basic and positive nutrients, such as zinc, folates and magnesium.

Be that as it may, it is clear that diet influences mood and mental health. Some eating patterns can improve symptoms.

Anxiety and junk food.

What kinds of foods should you avoid if you suffer from anxiety?

A good part of the people who live with anxiety resort to therapies to manage their symptoms. And considering the scientific data that we will present, it seems that removing the following foods from the diet can contribute to improving the situation.


There are many people who consume coffee in the morning. Ingesting moderate doses of caffeine is considered safe and has benefits for the body. But it also has its downside.

As stated by the American Psychiatric Association, too much caffeine can have side effects, such as irritability, nervousness and insomnia problems.

High doses of more than 400 milligrams of caffeine daily can lead to anxiety, excitement and agitation or worsen an existing anxiety disorder.

Energy drinks

These types of drinks should be eliminated from the diet at all costs, since they do not provide any benefit and have been linked to multiple health problems.

In reference to the nervous system, they are known for their ability to improve attention, mood and energy performance. But the effects of long-term use must also be taken into account.  

At the moment, scientific evidence shows a relationship between energy drink consumption and some mental problems. Among them is anxiety, but also depression and stress. However, more analysis is needed to determine whether there is causation.


Alcohol intake clearly affects the central nervous system. Although at first it can have a calming effect, little by little the ability to increase nervousness and disturb sleep is accentuated.  

In addition, it changes the levels of serotonin and neurotransmitters in the brain, which worsens the feeling of anxiety.  

Added sugar and artificial sweeteners

This ingredient is not advisable for those more prone to anxiety and depression problems. A publication in Scientific Reports revealed that a diet high in sugar could affect mood disorders in both men and women.


Little by little the evidence shows the negative effects of this type of food in the diet. In relation to mood and anxiety disorders, the problem lies in the ingredients of its composition.

Most of them have trans fats, saturated fats and high amounts of salt, sugar and refined flours. Therefore, they are considered to be poorly nutritious and high-energy foods.

As the authors of recent analyzes conclude, an unhealthy diet is significantly associated with more symptoms of anxiety and depression than a Mediterranean-type diet. It is known that this also influences the severity of symptoms.

Tips and recommended foods to avoid anxiety

One of the premises to keep in mind is that there is no diet to cure anxiety. However, experts agree that some dietary guidelines are more favorable for managing the situation.

In an article published by Harvard University, Uma Naidoo, a doctor of psychiatry, lays the foundations of what a proper diet should be for this purpose. The main recommendations are the following:

  • Staying hydrated by choosing water as your preferred drink.
  • Avoid skipping meals, as this destabilizes blood sugar levels.
  • Base the diet on fresh foods and mostly made up of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Fiber and complex carbohydrates allow better regulation of blood glucose, promoting a feeling of calm.
  • The incorporation of olive oil, fish, lean meat, legumes and nuts completes the vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system.

    Specific foods to reinforce in the diet

    There are some specific foods that can be reinforced in the diet to improve the symptoms that are attributed to anxiety. Among them we find the following:

    • Products with magnesium: green leafy vegetables, such as spinach or chard, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, hazelnuts and brown rice. These provide good amounts of magnesium.
    • Presence of zinc: this mineral must be found in foods such as oysters, cashews, pumpkin seeds, meat and egg yolks.
    • Salmon: provides omega 3 fatty acids, whose function is to regulate the synthesis of dopamine and serotonin. These neurotransmitters have calming and relaxing properties.
    • Probiotics: such as sauerkraut, yogurt, or kefir. These can reduce anxiety. This is suggested by this study from the journal Psychiatry Research, although at the moment the exact mechanisms are unknown.
    • Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory spices: ginger and turmeric.
      Salmon and green vegetables for anxiety.

      There are foods to avoid if you suffer from anxiety

      Nutrition and mood are associated. And although the existing studies are few, a positive relationship is known between a healthy eating pattern and a lower risk of anxiety and depression problems.

      As a general rule, it is recommended that the products consumed are abundant in healthy fats, fruits, vegetables and lean proteins. While it is necessary to separate processed foods, high in calories and with added sugars.

      These changes can improve feelings of well-being and mood, but do not interfere with medical treatment if there is one. Other positive changes include improving sleep habits, managing stress, and getting regular physical exercise.  

      Implementing these rules is never a substitute for the therapist’s guidance and advice. On the contrary, it is advisable to implement each and every one of the changes made in the diet to better accommodate the needs of each person.  

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