Foods To Improve Memory And Concentration

In addition to including these foods against memory loss in our diet, it is also very important to exercise it and keep it active through reading, writing or crossword puzzles .

Memory loss is something that happens as we get older. However, through a good diet we can even avoid other related symptoms such as a lower concentration or a decrease in reaction capacity. To do this, certain foods can help us to improve memory and concentration, optimizing our cognitive functions.

Did you know the saying: We are what we eat ? Indeed, food influences us much more than we think. This does not mean that we should follow a strict diet, but rather eat better, healthier, based on real food. Here are a series of foods to improve memory, take note!

Foods to improve memory

On certain occasions, work or studies require greater physical and mental performance. With this, there is a greater expenditure of essential nutrients and in the long run we end up noticing fatigue, less concentration and even forgetfulness. 

In these times of greater wear and tear it is convenient to incorporate foods that help cognitive functions. Thus, there are foods to improve memory and concentration thanks to its essential nutrients.

As we well know, the brain is an organ that consumes a lot of energy, so proper nutrition and healthy habits will help you maintain a good performance in your day-to-day life.

Here are the best foods to improve memory and cognitive functions:


Foods to improve memory: Nuts.

Nuts are a very rich source of healthy fats and omega 3 fatty acids. They also provide us with phosphorus, magnesium and vitamins E and B. In addition, they contain many antioxidants that delay the aging of neurons.

Although all of them are necessary, a handful of nuts is usually recommended every day to be able to obtain all the benefits that nuts can bring us. We can accompany them with a yogurt or add them to a smoothie if we do not want to take them alone. In addition to walnuts, you can eat natural almonds, toasted hazelnuts, pistachios …

Dark chocolate

Who Said Chocolate Was Bad? Milk and white chocolate are not highly recommended, because there are too many fats and sugars in their composition. However, the one that has from 85% pure cocoa is an excellent remedy for memory. 

The newspaper El Mundo echoed an investigation in the scientific journal Nature Neuroscience that published: “After three months of ingesting chocolate rich in flavonoids (its main ingredient), its memory capacities were more typical of the 30 and 40 years of age”.

The ideal is to take a square a day. However, we must always look at the label and review the ingredients to make it as natural as possible: the purest is the one that will give you the most benefits.

Green leafy vegetables

Foods to improve memory: omelette with green vegetables.

Do you put enough vegetables in your daily meals? Most people will surely answer no. A trick can be to make more elaborate and showy creations that make our eyes happy and invite us to eat it. For example, broccoli tortillas, spinach or any vegetable.

Something we must pay attention to when buying vegetables is that they are very green. This will indicate that they have more nutrients. Of course, whenever you can, buy them in the market to ensure that they are the freshest.

Blue Fish

Oily fish is one of the best foods to improve memory because it is an excellent source of phosphorus. In addition to protecting memory from cognitive decline, it also protects against neurodegenerative diseases. 

Fish consumption should be at least twice a week. Among the best blue fish are tuna, salmon, trout and mackerel are some of the most recommended.

According to the Spanish Heart Foundation: “The qualities that make fresh fish such a beneficial product for cardiovascular health are found in the elements that compose it: a lot of water, no starches, sugars or carbohydrates, around a 20% of good quality proteins, very little saturated fat and, above all, omega-3 fatty acids, the greatest allies of the heart ”.


Foods to improve memory: coffee.

Another food to improve memory is coffee, a drink that many people can not do without. In fact, it can cause a great addiction, although not everything is negative. It has always been said that coffee can help prevent memory loss, but is this so?

A study on the effects of caffeine determined that this substance helps to reinforce what had already been learned: “An increase in the dose of caffeine from 200 to 300 milligrams did not lead the subjects to improve their memory performance (…). that taking caffeine right after learning could favor the process of consolidating knowledge ”.

We should not consume coffee without control. At most, drink 2 cups a day and, if you can, just one. You can include tea in your diet to reduce consumption.


In the right amounts, the consumption of eggs can be very beneficial for our memory. Eggs are pure protein. They keep the brain in a state of alert and help long-term memory thanks to its contribution of choline. Its consumption improves brain function, especially in the elderly.

In addition to all these foods to protect us from memory loss, it is essential to exercise it in some way. The brain is like our body. If we do not exercise it, it will lose its capacities. Learning a new language, reading before going to sleep or writing in a journal can be small habits that will make a big difference if they become part of our routine.

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