Fruits That Protect And Strengthen Your Pancreas

How do you take care of your pancreas? As you already know, this gland is essential to carry out our digestion and to produce insulin. A healthy and balanced diet is essential,  and that is where the following fruits will also be of great help.

Discover them!

The importance of the pancreas for our digestion


This gland located behind the stomach, allows us to synthesize certain pancreatic fluids that will help us digest our food more easily. Thanks to it we store and absorb nutrients better, without forgetting, of course, that thanks to it we also produce our insulin. How then do you take care of your pancreas?

The normal thing is that you do not even realize its existence as long as you lead the correct habits of life, and a diet balanced enough for your body to carry out its functions in a normal way.

But what happens when our digestions are heavy, we feel bloated or we have a stabbing pain in this area? It means that something is wrong, and as you already know, diseases related to the pancreas are usually complex and worrying, hence the need to take care of ourselves and maintain correct habits. Here are some basic guidelines:

  • Avoid the consumption of red meat, sausages, salty foods, pre-cooked meals …
  • Avoid or at least restrict the consumption of animal fats such as milk. On the other hand, those of fish are healthy.
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco.
  • Put aside the refined flours and refined sugars, since with them we limit the correct function of the pancreas.
  • Avoid eating a lot at the same meal, that is, “give us a very large dinner “, for example. It is always better to eat small amounts throughout various times of the day. Don’t skip any meals either, especially breakfasts.
  • Try not to abuse medications, such as pain relievers or pain relievers. Both the liver, the kidneys or the pancreas do not process them well since they are chemicals.
  • Get some exercise, enjoy your life, and properly manage stress and anxiety.

Fruits that take care of your pancreas

1. Baked apples with cinnamon


A recommendation to take care of your pancreas is that you consume boiled or baked fruits. It is a way of reducing the sugars present in the fruit so that they are better digested by this organ.

So, if you usually suffer from digestion problems related to the pancreas, it would be ideal for you to consume a baked apple with cinnamon once a day. This fruit is a great treasure of vitamins, which, combined with cinnamon, gives us great digestive, anti-inflammatory and regenerative virtues. Do not hesitate, it is a delicious and very healthy dessert.

2. Boiled pears with cinnamon

Have you ever tried them this way? They are delicious, and as we say, boiling them also reduces their sugar content and is much better tolerated in our pancreas.

The pear, like the apple, stands as a medicinal fruit that regulates our functions, and protects our digestion and our cardiovascular health. And if you add that pinch of cinnamon, as we say, we will further enhance its properties, using it carefully so that the whole dish does not taste like this spice.

3. Pineapple and papaya

How about if we prepare a tasty salad of these fruits for our lunch? The fact that both pineapple and papaya are great benefactors of the health of our liver is due to the fact that they are very rich in antioxidants, and they are the ones that can help the health of our pancreas the most. They strengthen, heal and detoxify you.

They should not be overripe or they will have too much sugar. They must also always be natural, do not resort for example to juices from stores, since they lose their original vitamins and it is what we need for our pancreas.

4. Figs

dried figs

Did you know that figs have wonderful enzymes for the health of our pancreas? That’s how it is. It is worth consuming about five figs a day.

One way to take advantage of their benefits is to also consume them in their dry form, they continue to maintain excellent properties, and you can eat them for example in the morning. This way you will get an excellent remedy for constipation, they are rich, and combined for example with a walnut, they stand as a treatment rich in omega 3, antioxidants and minerals.

To conclude, fruits that have too much sugar, for example, are better cooked in the oven or boiled. But at the same time, it is essential that we provide the pancreas with vitamin C and antioxidants, hence papaya and pineapple are essential, which are surely the most digestive fruits that exist.

Figs, meanwhile, are suitable for their protective enzymes. But do not hesitate, eating fruits daily is essential for your health. Also don’t forget to eat properly, skip high-fat food, and get some exercise. Enjoy your health.

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