Healthy Shake To Combat Insomnia: Find Out!

Fighting insomnia effectively is not easy, we know.

Drugs are not always suitable in case our problem is occasional and, sometimes, no matter how hard we try to control stress or anxiety, we do not see results.

Something that specialists recommend us is to look for those practices that best suit our needs.

There are those who will find help in certain relaxation techniques, others in going out for a walk a few hours before going to bed and many, in changing a specific habit in their life.

Now, something we cannot forget is that our diet is essential to get a good night’s sleep. There are certain foods that activate us and that are not always well digested.

All this forces our body to do extra work when it should be relaxed and ready to carry out adequate detoxification tasks typical of the night.

The natural, light and digestive shakes are very effective in fighting insomnia. Next, we suggest you discover this fantastic option.

Fight insomnia with this delicious and healthy shake

In our smoothie we are going to include fresh fruits and vegetables, ideal to promote a proper rest. They are easy to find and you will have this recipe ready in just over 15 minutes.

Take note of which “magic” ingredients will allow you to sleep much better.

The Apple

We are very used to consuming apples first thing in the day. However, in times of insomnia, we suggest you make a small change: better at night.

  • The apple is rich in this type of soluble fiber that improves our digestion and which, in turn, promotes proper blood circulation.
  • It is able to relax our body and promote the proper functioning of the liver thanks to its multiple vitamins.
  • We cannot forget that the liver, as well as the lymphatic system, perform numerous detoxification tasks at night, and this fruit can help us.
  • On the other hand, it should also be noted that, thanks to polyphenols, we reduce the level of sugar in the blood. All this benefits our body, since it avoids those dangerous glucose peaks that can interfere with our rest.

Cucumbers, very relaxing

It is quite possible that you have already used cucumber more than once to relax your skin or to alleviate dark circles. The pulp of this vegetable has anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties.

  • Now, if we take the step and instead of applying it to the skin we take it in a juice, our body will appreciate it. Cucumbers promote rest thanks to their high magnesium content.
  • This mineral improves the quality of rest, to the point of reducing sleep disorders and the appearance of insomnia.

Lettuce, natural relaxant

Surprised? We are used to consuming lettuce in our rich salads, but did you know that the Greeks used to drink lettuce tea to combat insomnia? That’s how it is.

  • Lettuce is characterized by its calming effects, calms the nerves, helps digestion and also improves our heart rate.
  • Now, to take advantage of these benefits, it will always be better to make an infusion or blend it into a natural juice.

Raw organic honey


You will find organic honey in any natural store. It is a bit more expensive, but it is worth it. We are facing a true miracle of nature, and an ideal remedy that we should take before going to sleep.

Raw honey takes care of our liver and allows us to eliminate toxins effectively. As we have pointed out throughout the article, this body is very active at night.

So if we provide him with raw honey and other foods that take care of him, we will reduce his burden and reduce his work. It will accomplish your detoxification and metabolism task more effectively.

How to prepare my natural shake to combat insomnia

Green smoothie


  • 1 green apple
  • 3 lettuce leaves
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of raw organic honey (25 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon (5 g)


You will have this shake against insomnia in just over 15 minutes.

  • The first thing we will do is wash both the apple and the lettuce leaves well. You do not need to remove the skin from the apple: just cut it into 4 parts and remove the central seeds.
  • Next, we peel the cucumber and, once ready, we cut it into 4 parts to facilitate blending.
  • In the blender we will add the glass of water along with the organic honey, the apple, the cucumber and the lettuce.
  • Beat for a few seconds until you get a smooth drink. Next, when you pour yourself into your favorite glass, sprinkle a little cinnamon on top.

Remember to drink this shake two hours before going to bed.

In this way, we will get to bed more rested and with the digestion already finished. You will see what good result it offers you.

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