Homemade Recipes For Bunion Pain

Bunions are a fairly common condition and we can all get them at some point. It is important to know how we can relieve pain, inflammation and prevent its growth. Take note.

More than half of the population suffers from foot pain; it is quite common and we can all suffer from it at some point. Likewise, it can be very painful and annoying, depending on the case. Surely those who suffer from bunions can insure it.

Learn how to treat this horrible pain with homemade bunion recipes, as well as effective tips and advice.

Bunions: causes and consequences

Bunions are a deformation of the big (or big) toe. It can also occur in the little one (known as a tailor’s bunion). This joint, instead of being straight, becomes angled and acquires a lateral prominence through the bone.

The causes of bunions can be due to mechanical factors such as wearing very high heels or narrow shoes, obesity and being overweight, stepping badly, at an angle or not using the entire sole of the foot.

There are also hereditary factors in relation to bunions. If the mother suffered from them, there is a high probability (around 65%) of suffering from them. They usually appear at the age of thirty and on both feet.

The characteristic symptoms are inflammation, redness and growth of the area, formation of hard skin and pain when walking or putting on footwear.


  • Perform foot baths.

After boiling 50 grams of flax seeds, 50 grams of major comfrey and 30 grams of marshmallow in a liter of water.

  • Practice “Shiatsu” techniques.

This is a popular massage that is used to relieve pain and prevent the joints from becoming deformed. Acupuncture can also be of great help.

  • Apply the pulp of a ripe tomato on the bunion.

It will reduce inflammation and redness in the area, in addition to bringing relief for its freshness.

Try it!

So, in case of suffering from this condition, remember that you can contact your doctor for an evaluation and specific treatment according to your case. However, applying these remedies and tips can undoubtedly help you relieve pain.

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