How To Bleach Clothes Without Chlorine: 5 Natural Solutions

Laundering clothes is something that everyone, at some point, has to do. Light garments tend to stain easily with any type of substance that comes into contact with their fabric. Sometimes after a lot of use, it also starts to look yellowish.

In this article we are going to share 5 tricks to whiten clothes with natural products. With them you will be able to get rid of stains and recover that bright white of your clothes. We will also help you prevent accidents with chlorine products and bleach clothes in a more ecological way.

Bleaching clothes without chlorine

To whiten clothes we almost always use the chemical products that are sold in the market. Especially those that contain chlorine and that seem to be the best solution to recover that white and clean tone of our garments.

It is true that such products work effectively and can be the simplest solution for whitening clothes. However, these chemicals are not healthy at all and can also harm the environment.

This is demonstrated by this study conducted by the US Department of Health and Human Services.

5 natural methods

1. White vinegar for whitening clothes

In addition to being a product that helps remove dirt and prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria, white vinegar is not aggressive with fabrics.  It also helps soften them so you don’t have to resort to chemical fabric softeners.

In addition, it is a recommended option as an ecological cleaner in cases of asthma and not being able to use chemical cleaners, combining it only with a little lemon so that it acquires a fresher smell.

However, it is best in cases of chronic asthma to consult this method with your doctor even though it interacts weakly with its components.

How to use?

  • Add ½ to 1 cup of distilled white vinegar to your natural powdered laundry detergent.
  • Carry out ordinary washing.
  • If your clothes have stains on the neck, armpits or other areas, apply vinegar to the affected area and leave it to act for an hour before rinsing it off.

    2. Baking soda

    Whitening clothes with baking soda

    It is a product that, in addition to being economical, acts in depth on the fabric.  It manages to eliminate stains and provides softness to fabrics.

    A study carried out by the University of Azuay showed that, taking into account the type of fabric, the color and the appropriate proportions that we must use; These first two methods would be a good option in fabric cleaning.

    How to use?

    • Add ½ cup of baking soda to your natural detergent.
    • Perform the common wash.
    • Remember to always separate white clothing from colored clothing.
    • For blunt stains, apply directly, mixed with a little lemon juice.

    3. Hydrogen peroxide

    The hydrogen peroxide is another whitening products that help and care garments. In addition, we include it in these natural tips because it does not contain chlorine.

    In fact, it is a great alternative option to avoid the use of this chemical element according to an article in World Watch Magazine.

    How to use?

    • In the usual wash, add ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide with the normal detergent.
    • It can also be applied directly to the stain.

    4. Lemon juice

    Whitening clothes with lemon

    Lemon juice is a natural astringent that helps deep cleanse.

    In addition, according to popular beliefs, when used for washing, it removes all kinds of dirt and leaves white clothes shiny if used together with other methods such as white vinegar, for example.

    It is advisable to accompany it with another method because there is no scientific evidence that has proven its effectiveness alone outside of its usefulness to remove unpleasant odors.

    How to use?

    • To bleach clothes, fill a pot with water and lemon wedges.
    • Bring it to a boil.
    • Soak clothes for an hour before washing them regularly.
    • You can also prepare a soap solution , a tablespoon of salt and the juice of two lemons. Soak the clothes in this mixture, then let them drain and dry them in the sun.

    5. Milk

    Finally, this natural ingredient is believed to help care for garments. Incidentally, it would also help whitening. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. 

    According to Dr. Andrés Suárez, it is a great ally for ink stains.

    How to use it, however?

    • Put the garment to soak in a bowl with milk .
    • Leave it there for a couple of hours and rinse as usual.

    Tips for keeping clothes white

    White clothes require some special care to keep them in good condition and with a bright tone. If this color is your favorite when choosing clothes, don’t miss the following tips:

    • Avoid using chemical bleaches on garments made of polyester, or polyester-cotton blends. In these, a chemical reaction between chlorine and polyester can occur, which can cause the garment to turn yellow.
    • Pay close attention to the water you use for washing. Sometimes it can be cloudy and this causes your clothes to turn yellow.
    • When washing white clothes  you can use a little diluted borax. In this way you would make the water softer and there is no risk of the garment staining.
    • To avoid stains on white clothes, try not to apply perfumes, deodorants, or other chemicals that can come into contact with the fabric. Usually all of these end up creating yellowish stains on the garment.
    • Try to dry your whites in the sun, as UV rays help keep whites bright and beautiful.

      However, the correct stain cleaning formula depends on several factors: the proportion of the product, the type of fabric, the stain… So we encourage you to try these tips to whiten your clothes in a more natural way!

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