How To Detect If Your Child Is Bullied At School

The bullying or harassment School is one of the most common problems in schools today. Because of this, you have to be very attentive to the signs that could indicate that children are suffering from this problem. The bullying is a harassing behavior, physical or psychological abuse that occurs among school repeatedly.

Unfortunately, this type of behavior is becoming more and more prevalent. It is even beginning to be seen from the class groups where the children are between 3 and 6 years old.

For this reason, it is very important to be aware and to know how to detect the main symptoms of someone who suffers bullying, since they often go completely unnoticed.

This is so because, many times, victims feel ashamed or guilty about what happens to them, and they show reluctance when requesting help.

How do I know if my child is a victim of bullying?

It is essential to educate our children from an early age in the values ​​of respect, friendship, and trust. And, teach them not to respond with aggression if someone attacks them.

They should know that they can tell all their problems and express their feelings, doubts or fears to their parents, siblings or relatives. They should feel that in their family they can find all the support they need. If we don’t have good communication with children, we will never be able to tell if they are being bullied.

Children may be afraid and not dare to tell it at home. They may feel embarrassed. That is why it is so important that the elderly observe certain behaviors or behaviors that can be signs that something is not going well at school or with their friends.

Behaviors of the child that could indicate that he is being bullied

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1. They don’t want to attend class

They tend to invent discomforts for not attending school. However, by taking them to the doctor, their health is in perfect shape. As it is, it is necessary to encourage him to say the reason why he does not want to go to school. It is about building trust so that you verbally express what is bothering you or why you feel bad.

2. Changes in your behavior

  • They are changes that occur slowly and gradually affect your personality. They start not wanting to talk to old friends or family when they were outgoing children before.
  • He gets nervous when he has to go to school, he begins to have mood swings and he is sad.

3. At times, you may have outbursts of anger, violence, or look very irritable

In adolescent boys it is sometimes very difficult to distinguish these behaviors and notice them as warning signs, since in adolescence they are common. However, we must be vigilant in case the trigger for these changes is harassment.

4. They lose school supplies or clothes

They begin to lose personal items or school supplies. Bullies often use this system as a means of intimidation.

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5. They ask for money at home

Blackmail is one of the most common practices among stalkers. Iñaki Piñuel, an expert in psychological violence and harassment and a professor at the University of Alcalá, explains that most of the time the harassment suffered by schoolchildren is psychological. For this reason, the most common symptom is psychosomatic.

6. Psychosomatic symptoms

The child may present different symptoms on a physical level even though the bullying is psychological. Among the most frequent, we find:

  • Sleep disturbances
  • Discomfort when getting up
  • Dizziness and headaches
  • Tremors and palpitations.
  • Digestive problems and eating disorders.

 7. Changes in school performance

You may become disinterested in your studies as a result of a lack of concentration and attention.

What attitude should parents take in the face of bullying that their children may be suffering?

Parents talking to the teacher.

If we have detected that our child is a victim of bullying, in the first place, we should not blame him. Nor, ourselves.

  • Just because that problem has occurred does not mean that we are worse parents. The child must feel confident and secure at home and there must be a good climate.
  • The child must know that he is not alone and that he can always ask for help, and that he will be heard.
  • If you found out that they are being harassed, you should remain calm. Don’t show concern. The child has to see determination, optimism and integrity in your face.
  • It is important to go to school to talk to the responsible person. She can help us find a professional to solve the conflict.
  • It is necessary to maintain a communication relationship with the school in order to have their support. Only in mutual collaboration, we can help our children to overcome this situation. For this, it is extremely important to educate them in non-aggression.
  • Greater emphasis should be placed on tolerance, friendship and mutual respect so that they are responsible and free adults.
  • The home is the main support for love and the education of children. It is there where they learn values ​​and behaviors.

We must be aware of this and avoid confrontations, as well as physical and verbal aggression, so that they do not imitate it.

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