How To Eliminate Toxins And Fight Overweight

In addition to purifying and helping us lose weight, the infusion of horsetail favors the growth of hair and nails, strengthening them, and helps prevent bleeding

In this article we bring you natural methods to eliminate toxins and fight overweight. A large part of processed foods contain toxins that are harmful to the body. 

In addition to food, we are exposed to high levels of environmental pollution, toxic compounds from drugs, and sometimes alcohol and tobacco. All this intoxicates the body and generates an accumulation of waste that interferes with its main functions.

Although the excretory organs are responsible for eliminating them naturally, sometimes they become overloaded and have difficulties to do it correctly. As a consequence , chronic health problems develop and the tendency to be overweight and obese increases.

Fortunately, there are many detoxification methods that support the processes that are responsible for eliminating toxins and fighting overweight. Cleansing the body allows you to reduce measures, regulate the main body systems and reduce the presence of cellulite and skin problems. Are you interested in learning how to prepare them?

Warm water with lemon

Warm lemon water is one of the most widely used cleansing remedies in the world. It provides powerful antioxidants and nutrients that promote the cleansing of the blood and the activation of the metabolism.

It contains a type of fiber, known as pectin, which alkalizes the body, improves digestion and prolongs the feeling of fullness. In addition, thanks to its enzymes it has the power to stimulate the liver to achieve  an optimal elimination of waste substances.


  • The juice of 1 lemon.
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml).
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g) (optional).


  • First, extract the fresh lemon juice and mix it in a glass of warm water.
  • If you want to sweeten it, add a tablespoon of honey.
  • Take it every day.

Infusion of horsetail to eliminate toxins and fight overweight

Horsetail is an astringent, diuretic, and restorative plant that helps detoxify the blood and cleansing systems of the body.

In addition, its properties prevent bleeding, regenerate lung tissue and strengthen hair and nail growth. It also serves to reduce measures thanks to its cleansing power that helps eliminate toxins and fight overweight.


  • 2 tablespoons of horsetail (20 g).
  • 4 cups of water (1 lt).
  • The juice of ½ lemon.


  • First, place the horsetail in the liter of boiling water.
  • Let it rest for about 15 minutes.
  • When it is ready, mix it with the lemon juice and consume it.
  • The ideal is to eat it on an empty stomach for two weeks.

Artichoke tea

Another of the natural treatments to eliminate toxins and fight overweight is the artichoke. This is distinguished by its powerful slimming properties that have served as a dietary support to people with excess weight.

It is considered one of the most cleansing foods that exist and, in addition to eliminating toxins, it improves metabolic function to increase fat burning. In addition, it is a great source of fiber and provides B vitamins, iron, potassium and magnesium.


  • 3 artichoke leaves.
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).
  • The juice of ½ lemon.


  • First, put the artichoke leaves in a pot of water.
  • Let them simmer for three minutes.
  • Wait until it settles, pass the infusion through a strainer and add the lemon juice.
  • Consume it on an empty stomach every day for three weeks.

Green Tea

The catechins and other antioxidants contained in green tea have been shown to be effective in purifying the body and reducing weight.

In fact, this drink occupies one of the first places among natural food supplements for weight loss. Its nutrients eliminate excess cholesterol in the blood, fat deposits and cellulite. They also  reduce the presence of heavy metals.


  • 1 tablespoon of green tea (10 g).
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).


  • First, pour the green tea into a cup of boiling water.
  • Then wait a few minutes for her to focus.
  • When it’s ready, strain it and consume.
  • Repeat the dose twice a day, a week in a row.

Citrus juice

spinach celery and papaya smoothie

The combination of citrus fruits in this natural juice gives us a purifying treatment to eliminate toxins and fight overweight. It also helps alkalize the blood. It contains vitamins A, B, and C, and minerals such as potassium, iron, calcium, and magnesium.


  • The juice of 1 grapefruit.
  • 2 spinach leaves.
  • The juice of 3 oranges.
  • 1 cup of papaya (140 g).
  • 1 slice of pineapple.


  • First, extract the juice from the citrus fruits.
  • Then, mix them in the blender with the spinach, papaya, and pineapple.
  • Serve immediately and consume every day for a month.

Choose a single cleansing method to eliminate toxins and fight overweight. If you support it with a balanced diet reduced in fat and processed, the result will be much better.

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