How To Improve Mood With Natural Remedies

If you are very irascible, short-tempered, you fight with everyone or anything bothers you, perhaps you are not eating well and that is increasing your stress levels. You also need to start sleeping better. In the following article, you will learn how to improve your mood with natural remedies and several tips that can help you.

It is good to know that the mood can influence us a lot in the day to day. Of course, because it modifies our thinking, perceptions of events, the way we relate to others, etc.

Therefore,  being positive and being in a good mood can help you a lot in your daily life.

You still feel reluctant, not wanting to do anything. Or you are too irritable, melancholic, sad for no reason, tired. Either you don’t have the will to get out of bed or you feel the need to fight with everyone. If this is the case, it may be time to take advantage of certain home remedies.

Remember that these tips can help you in sporadic or mild cases. However, if you suffer from chronic depression, you should see a specialist. This will give the most appropriate treatment.

These tips could in certain cases work as a good supplement, but never as a treatment.

Tips and natural remedies to improve mood

do exercise

woman exercising

Why is this tip in the first place? Basically because it has been shown that a sedentary lifestyle and a bad mood can go hand in hand.

Playing sports, especially outdoors, is an excellent remedy to lift our spirits. This is because it helps us release endorphins, which helps us have a feeling of well-being.

Thus, it can help you eliminate all the bad that accumulates, release tension and stress. In addition, you will be physically and not mentally tired and, if that were not enough, it will help you lose weight, lower cholesterol and avoid heart problems.

Exercise for at least half an hour a day. As for the disciplines, you can choose what you really like and make you happy. It’s up to you!

Macerate garlic

Garlic is an excellent multi-purpose home remedy. It contains numerous nutrients that can help you improve your mood, such as vitamin C. So, don’t hesitate to add it to your daily meals.

However, remember that any food in excess can have negative effects. Do not abuse its consumption.

In this case, you can make a home remedy that can give you a lot of energy to face your day in the best possible way.


  • 150 grams of garlic
  • ½ cup of honey (150-170 g)
  • Apple vinager
  • distilled water


  • First, remove the skin from the garlic, then finely chop and place in a container.
  • Next, add the vinegar and distilled water, in equal parts, until the garlic is covered.
  • Then, close well and marinate in a dark place for four days.
  • After the indicated time, strain and add the honey.

You can consume a tablespoon before meals.

do what you like

woman reading

Do you have the skills to play an instrument, to write poems, or to paint pictures? Don’t hesitate to try these hobbies  to improve your mood!

Perhaps you prefer to read a book or play with your children. Anything that makes you happy is welcome : prepare a delicious dinner for your partner, go to a spa or take a bath, tour a museum or walk barefoot on the lawn.

The important thing is that you get out of the routine, clear yourself and be happy.

Sleep eight hours (straight)

Lack of sleep is one of the causes of bad mood, stress and depression.

If you sleep little each night it is more likely that the next morning you want to bite the first one that comes in front of you. Especially if he talks to you in a way that you don’t like (or think you don’t like).

Try to get 8 hours of sleep a day and, if possible, take a short nap of half an hour.

Do not take advantage of the weekends to recover everything you have not slept from Monday to Friday. Remember that while tiredness and sleep are cumulative, rest is not.

And, if possible, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, including Saturdays and Sundays.

Make a homemade energy drink

It can be a good option to improve your mood, totally homemade and simple to make. Take note of how to prepare it.


  • The juice of 1 orange
  • 1 slice of pineapple
  • ½ banana
  • 1 tablespoon of wheat germ or oatmeal (10 g)


  • Blend all the ingredients until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • If it’s hot, you can add ice cubes when mixing.

You can drink it on an empty stomach every day.

Make a fruit and herb juice

Apple juice

What you eat and what you drink can help improve your mood.

In this case, it is a recipe that can be very effective during winter, a time when depression and sadness are usually greatest. Its ingredients contain beneficial nutrients for the mood, such as vitamin C or fiber.


  • 3 cups of mineral water (750 ml)
  • 1 apple
  • 1 cup of grapes (200 g)
  • a lemon
  • two tablespoons of passionflower tea (20 g).


  • Make a smoothie with all the ingredients and drink before breakfast.

You can keep it in the fridge if you don’t consume it all and enjoy it throughout the day (when you return from work, for example).

Nutrients and mood

Did you know that the lack of certain components could contribute to a bad mood or irritability? Therefore, it is a good idea to eat more of the nutrients that we present below. Its intake should always be part of a balanced diet.


This mineral participates in certain brain functions. Therefore, it can be beneficial to improve mood.

You can get it through whole grains, certain fish (such as salmon or hake), seeds and garlic.



The lack of iron causes anemia and this, in turn, influences the mood. You can eat more lentils and other legumes weekly.

Omega 3

It participates in the neurotransmission of dopanime and serotonia, two important hormones for mood.

The most important source of Omega 3 fatty acids are the so-called blue fish, such as salmon, tuna or hake. You can consume them three times a week, always steamed or grilled, not fried.

Vitamin B

It is essential for your nervous system to function properly. It also helps you improve your metabolism.

You can add B vitamins by consuming lentils, spinach, seeds, whole grains, and fish.

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