How To Improve The Immune System In Children

The immune system is very important in children. During childhood we come into contact with multiple agents that help us develop immunity. Discover how to stimulate the process in your children.

Either because your children get very sick, be it winter or summer, or because you want to prevent this from happening when they meet other children (at school, in the park, at a party …). The following article can help you: you will learn how to improve the immune system in children.

Tips to improve the immune system of children

Pay attention to the following guidelines to improve or increase the defense system of your children:

Maintain lactation

This tip is for mothers with newborn babies. Children’s immune systems take time to mature and the 100% natural product that nourishes them and keeps them away from viruses and bacteria is none other than breast milk and colostrum. TO Furthermore, it is a free, healthy and wonderful product that will unite even more the baby with his mother and will strengthen the attachment. . 

Delaying admission to care institutions

In today’s times, where mothers work just like fathers, nursery or nursery school is salvation for adults with young children. However, it can be a perfect place to increase your risk of disease.

Think that there are many babies or children in a place that is not always as big and spacious as we want. Teachers can also get sick, the way to that place in the morning in winter can be a cause of cold, the stress that comes with leaving the home and being away from the parents … All this can increase the chances that the child will get sick and that their defenses are weaker.

Comply with a balanced and healthy diet

The human body needs different nutrients, no matter how old you are. The diet must meet all these requirements for proteins, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fibers and fats. Thus, the immune system will be able to have all the means at its disposal and thus prevent the spread of diseases caused by viruses and bacteria.

Therefore, if we want to strengthen their defenses, we must feed them healthier and more varied, add fruits and vegetables, nuts and cereals, fish, skim milk, etc. Follow the doctor’s recommendations regarding your child’s nutrition. Skip fast food, soda, and sweets to boost your immune system.

Spicy foods

Breathe clean air

Polluted environments are a breeding ground for disease. For example, if one of the parents smokes, if you live in the middle of the city and there is smog (polluted fog). If certain chemicals are used to clean the home, or if the dust is very frequent, it is likely that children, and adults too, will get sick.

The house must be periodically ventilated to eliminate allergens and mites. If we have pets, keep them clean most of the time. If there are people who smoke, do so out of the reach of children. It is not good for your immune system.

Maintain personal hygiene

It is true that children live getting dirty while they play, eat, have fun, grow. However, poor hygiene can cause many illnesses. It is necessary to wash hands before and after eating, always carry disinfectant towels or alcohol for when playing in the park or going out to eat and, above all, that adults also carry out these habits. Do not forget that children copy what their parents do.

Live happy

Happiness, play, exercise and rest are things that cannot be lacking in a child’s life to prevent them from getting sick. Maybe we’re late from work and we don’t feel like playing. However this is necessary, as is taking them to the park on Sunday mornings.

When they run, jump, have fun, and meet other people outdoors, little ones automatically create new defenses. The same as when they live in a happy environment, without problems, without fights, with a lot of love and dedication.


Finally, we must not forget that rest is vital for children so that they can recover all the energy they spend on their days. The siesta must be sacred every day, as well as adhere to schedules to go to bed or to get up.

Sleeping soundly, as many times as necessary, will help them recharge their batteries and recover if something hurts or they feel down. In short, there is nothing like a happy childhood to avoid getting sick. It is up to parents to be able to offer their children a pleasant and happy environment so that they can develop without problems.

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