How To Make Anti-mosquito Citronella Candles

Mosquitoes are a problem at certain times of the year. Not only because they are very annoying, but because they can also transmit some diseases to us. Therefore, a good option to keep them away from our home are anti-mosquito citronella candles.

In this article we show you how to do them step by step. Thus, in a natural way, you can fight mosquitoes and avoid their bites. In addition, candles are always a very special decorative element for any room in your home.

Does citronella keep mosquitoes away?

To begin with, surely we have already heard of citronella as a natural aroma that is capable of acting as a repellent. However, is that true? Are these properties scientifically proven?

Although it was initially popularized as an ingredient in perfumes, it later became one of the most famous natural repellants on the market. It is usually used in concentrations of 5 to 10% to avoid skin irritation.

Studies show that its components (citronellal, citronellol, geraniol, citral, pinene and limonene) can be as effective as DEET in conventional mosquitoes. However, its oils evaporate quickly, so its effect does not last as long over time.

In this sense, a citronella candle can be an excellent solution to benefit from the virtues of this essence and prolong its effectiveness. In addition, we will avoid the side effects of DEET, recognized as an endocrine disruptor.

How to make anti-mosquito citronella candles


To decorate our home, to give a fresh aroma or to light up an outdoor dinner. .. Citronella anti-mosquito candles have many other uses than to protect us from these annoying insects.

In addition, they are an inexpensive option that we can make at home easily. Even the smallest of the family can help us and we can take the opportunity to recycle some bottles. In short, a very practical craft that we can do together.

What do we need?

To make these anti-mosquito citronella candles we will need the following:

  • Glass cans, bowls or jars that can be recycled
  • Wax (it can be soy, paraffin or we can also recycle used candles)
  • Waxed wicks for candles (better if they are with wick holders)
  • Citronella essential oil

In addition, during the process you will also need a stainless steel pot or casserole. 

How do we do it?

We detail you step by step how to make these simple citronella candles to ward off mosquitoes from your home.

  • First, we can glue the wick to the base of the interior of the containers that we are going to use.
  • Next, put a pot over medium heat with the wax until it is almost melted. At that moment, turn off the fire and let the heat itself finish making all the wax liquid. If we use old candles, we will chop up the wax and act in the same way.
  • At this time we can add the essential oil of citronella and mix well all the preparation.
  • Afterwards, we can let the liquid wax warm a little before proceeding to fill the containers. If the waxed wick had no base, when the wax cools a little more we can insert it carefully.
  • We should not be in a hurry to cool the candles. On the contrary, it is preferable that the process is slow, at a warm or ambient temperature. Ideally, let them sit for at least 48 hours before turning them on.

Decorate your candles

Now you have your citronella anti-mosquito candles ready. However, if they are going to be a decorative element of your home, you can also play with the design to make them unique and personalized. Do you have materials at home that you want to take advantage of?

With threads, wool, fabrics or burlap you can line the containers and give them a more rustic and familiar touch. Also, when you have mastered this technique, you can add some pigments to the recipe to make them of different colors. And remember that you can reuse the remains of the already used candles to make new ones.

And finally, don’t forget to always have your citronella essential oil on hand. In this way you can add a few more drops to enhance and maintain its aroma while you have the candles lit.

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