How To Properly Cleanse The Face Before Bed

As busy people we always have less time to clean our face in a proper way. This can affect our image and, as a consequence, affect our well-being.

However, even if we are very tired, we should never go to bed without cleaning our face properly as pimples or other problems can occur that will negatively affect our skin.

Consequences of not cleaning the face

Not cleaning the face when we go to sleep and having makeup on our skin will cause impurities to accumulate and clog pores.

In addition, the lack of cleanliness will prevent the skin regeneration process that occurs during the night from taking place properly.

Cleanse the facial skin

Therefore, we must always take a moment to clean our face properly. Today we will discover how to do this so that our skin can show off all its beauty.

Recommendations to cleanse the face

There are some recommendations that we need to take into account. These are the first steps that it is important for us to internalize.

  • Spend time : at least we should spend about 15 minutes cleaning our face. Doing so will allow us to do it properly to ensure that all dirt and makeup has been removed.
  • Clean the skin well : using products that our skin needs depending on the level of cleaning it needs (oily skin is not the same as dry) will allow us to eliminate all impurities so that it breathes properly at night.
  • Avoid soap : Although we believe that soaps promise a deeper cleaning, sometimes this is not the case. Soaps dry out the skin, so we can opt for a micellar water or a soap that is as natural as possible. We can ask our dermatologist for advice.
  • Exfoliate the skin : at least once a week we should exfoliate the skin to remove all dead cells and perform a deep cleaning. The best thing is that we use natural products to achieve this end.
  • Warm water: warm water allows us to cleanse the face in a much gentler way. It is like a massage for our skin that will avoid mistreating the skin.

In addition to all these previous recommendations, it is important to have a towel that we use only for the face. In this way, we will avoid that some type of dirt from the hands can affect the skin of the face, since it is very delicate.

Tips when cleaning our face

If there is little time

On many occasions, we do not have the adequate time, with those 15 minutes to perform our facial cleansing well.

For these cases, we advise you to use makeup remover wipes. They are practical and help us to hydrate the skin of our face.

The way to dry ourselves

Dry facial skin

Something that we do not usually notice when cleaning our face is the way we dry it with the towel.

It is necessary to do it in a gentle way, with touches, so as not to stimulate the production of oil and not to irritate the skin.

Knowing how to choose masks

We must also know how to choose the masks according to our skin type, in order to seek a deeper cleaning.

The idea is to do them once a week before going to sleep. Preferably, after exfoliation so that they penetrate better.

Get rid of impurities

We must clean the face well even if we have not used makeup. The skin accumulates fat and, also, when we touch it during the day we make it accumulate impurities.

We must use a suitable soap for our face and that we only use ourselves. In addition, we must allow ourselves to give ourselves a light massage.

After this step, it is necessary to rinse the face well and verify that there are no soap particles left.

Proper nutrition

The last step of cleansing must culminate with a cream that protects our skin from free radicals and pollution.

This has to be adapted to our skin type. In addition, if we use it during the day we must apply a sunscreen on top to protect ourselves from the sun.

Benefits of properly washing your face before sleeping

  • Allows oxygenation of the skin.
  • Cosmetic products are more effective.
  • Delays the appearance of wrinkles.
  • The skin is more luminous.
  • Helps reduce the appearance of being tired.
  • Eliminate acne and blackheads.
  • The skin looks much smoother, softer and more attractive.

If we want to obtain all these benefits for cleaning our face and enjoy a much more beautiful and healthy skin, we have to acquire some habits so that, yes or yes, every day we do this cleaning of our skin.

Over time, we will realize that this helps us prevent skin aging, reduce wrinkles and allow the skin to look more rejuvenated.

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