How To Recognize A Humidity Problem In The Home

Symptoms can appear in any corner of the house. To recognize a humidity problem in the home, it is important to be attentive to the evidence. Fighting these signs immediately is essential to avoid greater evils.

In our home there will always be humidity. The mere fact of inhabiting it implies the use of services that lead to it. At least 15 liters of water a day are used in any home. In the shower, the kitchen, the sink or in the usual chores, we use that liquid that carries the presence of humidity.

But if all the appliances and pipes are working properly, the water will evaporate and cause no problems. Hence the importance of good maintenance.

Humidity problems in the home

Various causes

Humidity at home.

Moisture can be generated when there is poor ventilation in the home or we live in places with humid climates. If the house is not aired in winter, manifestations of humidity may appear in the home.

The walls, ceiling, deck or garage can be victims of humidity. This situation may appear from one moment to another, without prior notice. Fortunately, there are signs that betray its existence and allow us to act quickly.

How to recognize a humidity problem in the home?

If the humidity appears in easily accessible places, it will be easy to appreciate it : moldy or blackish walls indicate that there is a problem there. But sometimes the places are not so affordable and it can take time to spot them.

The smell it gives off helps to find the place where this humidity is produced. Although it can vary, it is usually linked to the presence of mold and mildew in dark, damp places.

When the spores are released, they generate a characteristic stench that allows us to act. We must exercise caution, since they are particularly harmful to health and can trigger or increase allergies and other respiratory problems.

Constant supervision

Stain on wood

At home, we must not neglect permanent surveillance. The places where more water vapor is concentrated should be regularly checked. The kitchen and bathrooms are especially susceptible to its appearance. Condensation on surfaces shows the presence of moisture.

The permanent contact of the cellars and cellars with the earth makes them prone to humidity. It is what is known as capillary humidity. It occurs when, in the absence of a good foundation slab, soil moisture penetrates through the structure.

If the paint falls on any wall, there may be a leak. This type of humidity is related to problems in or after construction. The lack of waterproofing in ceilings, walls or basements and the deterioration of the joints of the bathroom tiles are common causes.

Micro-leaks in water lines or broken pipes, plumbing, broken manholes , or clogged drains are also symptoms. These should be repaired on time, preferably by professionals, to avoid further wear and tear and more severe damage.

Wood is a good helper in the task of detecting humidity in the home. More symptoms may appear on baseboards, doors or various furniture. Water leaks on mirror and window glass are also good signs.

Allies against humidity

To support our search for humidity in the home, we can use certain allies. Chromatography offers indicator cards or tapes that change color when moisture appears. They are inexpensive and very easy to use, as well as disposable.

The hygrometer, whose operation is similar to a thermometer, provides information on the degree of humidity. There are condensation, absorption or digital ones that show the data on the screen

Prevent and combat humidity in the home

Woman opening the window

If it is a humidity produced by the environment, which is called condensation, maintaining good ventilation at home will help us prevent it. In particular, the kitchen and bathroom must have the ability to ventilate, so kitchen extractors are very useful to avoid this.

Moderate use of heating is another help. Ideally, keep it between 15 and 20 ° C to minimize condensation . Where possible, invest in large windows that allow air circulation . On the other hand, an excess of plants can contribute to the increase in humidity, as well as the habit of drying clothes indoors.

But if humidity has to do with leaks, the solution must be immediate. These repairs should preferably be carried out by professionals.

Moisture problems in the home can be easy to prevent, detect, and combat. You have to take the appropriate measures and avoid discomfort at home that, in addition, can harm the health of your family.

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