How To Safely Consume Canned Food?

Surely you have already heard that ultra-processed foods should not be ingested regularly. These products worsen general health due to their poor nutritional value. They contain added sugars and trans fats. However, not all industrial products are considered ultra-processed. Therefore, we are going to talk about canned foods.

The preserves have been subjected to a series of thermal or physical processes in order to increase their useful life. Their nutrient content has not been greatly altered, although they may contain some additional oil or brine. However, you need to know how to use them safely. We will show it to you below.

Include canned foods in the diet

Canned foods can be consumed with some assiduity. Among them are canned fish and legumes.

These products are characterized by a high protein content. These nutrients are essential for the prevention of pathologies associated with muscle atrophy, according to research published in the journal Nutrition Research .

In turn, they contain minerals necessary to ensure an adequate state of health. One of them is iron. This element guarantees the transport of oxygen through the blood. A reduction in its levels has been shown to increase the incidence of certain pathologies such as anemia, which can condition metabolism, pregnancy and the growth of children.

Cucumbers in brine.

How to store canned food?

As a general rule, it is recommended that canned food be stored in a cool and ventilated place, away from solar radiation. A pantry is an ideal place to keep them in perfect condition.

However, it is crucial to avoid the sun, as its contents could overheat and metals could come off the container in which they are stored. Aluminum and its salts are compounds that intervene negatively in food and, therefore, in health.

In the case of canned foods that are stored in glass jars, once opened it is necessary to place them in the refrigerator. The cold will ensure that they remain healthy for a few days after their first use.

In fact, in the refrigerator they can last between 3 or 4 days. It is advisable not to discard the brine they contain, since this liquid improves the organoleptic properties of the food and guarantees the absence of pathogenic organisms.

What are the best preserves?

When choosing a canned food, the best option is to resort to those that have been packaged naturally. Respecting this premise is very simple in the case of seafood, such as tuna or mollusks. However, canned vegetables and pickles usually come submerged in a brine that protects them.

This liquid is characterized by its high sodium content. This mineral is capable of increasing blood pressure if consumed in excess, as stated in a study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology . However, in healthy individuals these foods can be eaten more or less regularly without any negative health consequences.

When it comes to eating, it is necessary to wash them thoroughly, in order to eliminate the remains of the liquid and that the organoleptic properties of the food are not damaged. In the case of choosing a preserve that contains oil, the best option is to discard the oily part to reduce the caloric value of the final product.

In addition, it is advisable to prioritize the purchase of canned foods that come packaged in glass jars over those that appear inside a can. Cans sometimes release certain metals that get into the product, such as aluminum. This metal has been shown to increase the risk of neurodegenerative diseases if it is ingested regularly.

Glass jars for preserves.

Introduce canned foods safely

As you have seen, canned food can be introduced without causing harm to health. However, it is necessary to take certain precautions regarding its consumption. If you choose a canned food, make sure the container is not dented or rusty, otherwise it will be best thrown away.

Also, respect the preferences that we have mentioned and give priority to those foods contained in glass jars. Remember to wash them well before consumption. If the liquid that contains them is very cloudy, check the best before date and if the container is damaged or the vacuum inside has been lost. In the case of having doubts, we advise you not to ingest it.

Finally, keep in mind that preserves are not included in the group of ultra-processed foods. For this reason, its consumption is not contraindicated for health.

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