How To Treat Sunburned Skin?

Overexposure to the sun causes our body to lose water and essential mineral salts, so it is essential that we maintain good external and internal hydration

Every day we can be exposed to the sun’s rays, to a greater or lesser intensity. When protection is not applied, it is easy to end up with burned skin, with all the discomfort and problems that it entails.

These burns occur when ultraviolet rays penetrate the skin and cause the death of the epidermis tissue. They leave a trace that will not look good aesthetically and that can also be very painful.

When our skin suffers damage from exposure to the sun, it is very important to treat it immediately, since in addition to affecting our beauty, this can also affect the health of the skin.

Although there are treatments on the market to prevent damage caused by the sun’s rays, in the case of burned skin, it is always best to apply a natural remedy to help it restore itself. Next,  we show you how you should act if your skin has been burned by the sun.

Stay in the shade

If you have not protected yourself and you already have burned skin, it is best to try to stay in the shade, since exposure to the sun will only make the problem worse. If you have to go out somewhere you should look for clothes that cover you well, protect your face with sunscreen and wear a hat.

Cold water

When the skin suffers damage from the sun, one of the first things you should do is take a cold bath to refresh the affected area. If possible, you should put cold water compresses on burned skin for a few minutes to  take advantage of its soothing properties.

In addition to this, it is very important to drink a large amount of water to avoid the consequences of dehydration, since exposure to the sun causes your body to lose water and essential salts.

Cold milk compresses

Milk is a great remedy for soothing sunburned skin, as it contains fatty acids and lactic acid, which work as pain relievers for burns.

You just have to dip a clean, soft cloth in a good amount of whole milk. Apply it with gentle massages on the affected area for 20 minutes and then rinse with plenty of cold water.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile is a plant with soothing medicinal properties, ideal for relieving pain and burning from burns.

Make a chamomile tea and let it cool completely. You can store it in the refrigerator or add some ice cubes to make it cool faster. Once it is very cold you should apply it to the affected area using a good piece of cotton or a towel.

Aloe vera to regenerate burned skin

Aloe vera ,, remedy for burned skin

Aloe vera is one of the most used plants and treatments to treat skin burns, since in addition to relieving the pain of the burn, it also regenerates tissues and helps them recover faster and more effectively.

This remedy is very simple. Extract the aloe vera gel from the plant and apply it directly to the skin. It can also be used as an internal treatment, drinking an aloe smoothie with water or juice.


MGFLady Disdain oats

Oatmeal is ideal for hydrating sunburned skin, softening and restoring damage after sunburn.

Make an ointment using a good amount of rolled oats mixed with water. Apply the paste on the affected areas of the skin by gently massaging it, leave it on for a few minutes and remove it with cold water.

Apple vinager

Apple vinager

Apple cider vinegar is one of the best treatments to relieve sunburn, since in addition to relieving pain, it is also ideal to prevent the appearance of blisters and peeling of the skin.

It is recommended to dilute the vinegar in an equal part of water and not to place it directly on the skin, since acetic acid can cause negative reactions.

You can place apple cider vinegar compresses on the affected skin for 15 minutes. After this time, the cloth must be soaked again so that its refreshing action acts more effectively.

Another option is to take apple cider vinegar baths, using a larger amount of vinegar than water. Mix two cups of apple cider vinegar in one of water and then soak in the mixture.

We have seen remedies to relieve and treat burned skin, but remember that the best way not to suffer the consequences of sunburn is to avoid them. Never forget to use sunscreen, consume plenty of water, and hydrate your skin. A good diet, exfoliation, and daily cleansing will also help.

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