How To Use Citric Acid In Home Cleaning?

Although the name can be intimidating and gives us the idea that citric acid is used only in laboratories, the reality is different. It is a very easy product to obtain and we could say that it is multipurpose, since it offers a large number of applications. In this case, we are going to tell you how to use citric acid in cleaning the home.

From clothes, to the bathroom and kitchen, the substance guarantees a deep cleaning using a single product, which will save time and money. Next we will review what citric acid is, the uses you can give it and what precautions you should take when handling it.

What is citric acid?

Discovered by the Muslim alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan in the 8th century, citric acid has a long history and is featured in 13th century chemical encyclopedias.

However, it was in 1874 that the Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele managed to crystallize it, starting from lemon juice. Finally, from the year 1860 its production began on an industrial scale.

The substance is an organic tricarboxylic acid that is found in many fruits, but of which we find a higher concentration in citrus fruits such as lemon, mandarin and orange. In its industrial format, it is a white, crystalline-looking powder, used as a natural preservative and antioxidant because it reduces pH levels.

It is obtained by the fermentation of sugars, such as sucrose and glucose, and is widely used for the natural preservation of different foods.

Fruits with citric acid.

What uses does citric acid have in cleaning the home?

We can use citric acid as an ally in cleaning the whole house. The good thing is that with a single product we can clean the complete bathroom, the kitchen and all its appliances, and we can even use it for clothes. In some cases, we will supplement with baking soda.


We are going to dilute a tablespoon of citric acid in a liter of water and place it in a container with a spray bottle. In this way, we can clean the taps and the screen to remove the remains of lime. It only remains to spray the surfaces and go over them with a soft cloth.

On the other hand, to clean the toilets we spread baking soda on the toilet and let it act for half an hour. Then we spray with the citric acid and scrub with a soft brush. It will be like new.

Also, to thoroughly sanitize the shower head, we will remove it and leave it in a container with a liter of water, 100 milliliters of liquid citric acid and a tablespoon of baking soda for one hour. We rinse it, put it back on, and run hot water for five minutes.


To fix plugged pipes, we’re first going to put four tablespoons of baking soda down the drain. Then we add 100 milliliters of liquid citric acid and leave for 15 minutes. Finally, you have to allow the hot water to run.


To clean the tiles, both in the bathroom and in the kitchen, we are going to dissolve six tablespoons of citric acid in a liter of very hot water.

We will use this preparation to rub the tiles with a soft cloth. To finish, rinse the worked area with plenty of water.


We will use the same solution as in the previous point. We put it in a container with a spray bottle and moisten the surface of the carpet. We dry at the end with a soft mop.


With the same solution (six tablespoons of citric acid and a liter of water) we can go over the appliances and stainless steel kitchen surfaces. For example, it is used to descale teapots, coffee machines and cans.

In addition, we can use it as a dishwasher polish. In this case, we fill the rinse aid compartment with the liquid citric acid and wash normally.


It can be used as a fabric softener. To do this, we dissolve a tablespoon of citric acid in half a liter of water. Then we pour 50 milliliters of this preparation into the softener compartment. Your clothes will be softer than ever.

Dishwasher uses citric acid.

Precautions when using this ingredient

Like any product that we use for cleaning the home, it is necessary to take into account some precautions.

In relation to who will apply it, it is necessary to avoid contact with the skin, since it can become red and cause discomfort derived from dermatitis. We recommend the use of gloves. On the other hand, you should always use it in a place with good ventilation.

Finally, it should be stored in a plastic container, out of sunlight, labeled and out of the reach of children.

Citric acid in household cleaning pays off

We think this product is worth a try when cleaning your entire home. As long as we take the necessary precautions, the results can be very positive.

Before cleaning each of the surfaces, test a small area to make sure it does not damage the materials. With the minimum amount of money, you can put into practice these ideas that are economical and efficient.

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