Infusions To Relieve Irritable Bowel Naturally

Irritable bowel syndrome is usually more common in women. The clear causes are not known, but its reality, its incidence, is usually very painful and affects day to day for several weeks and even months.

That is why we want to offer you natural remedies through medicinal plants that will serve you as relief. Find out in this article!

Medicinal herbs to treat irritable bowel

The plants that we are going to recommend are easy to find. You just have to go to an herbalist or a natural store to buy the amount you need. The normal thing is a teaspoon of medicinal herbs for each cup of water, being able to take up to two a day.

Also indicate that to benefit from its properties, it is always recommended that you avoid steel kettles. Ceramic, clay or porcelain are better. These are more natural and obtain better the active principles of medicinal herbs.

Finally, medicinal herbs are often highly recommended to treat the effects of irritable bowel. Anyway, if you have any questions you can always consult your doctor.

Anise infusion

Anise for irritable bowel

It has a pleasant anise flavor. It is undoubtedly an excellent plant to relieve stomach and intestinal pain. Relieves bloating, gas and is also antispasmodic, very successful for people who suffer from irritable bowel.

As an appreciation, we have to indicate that anise is not suitable if you are suffering a period of diarrhea. You already know that this disease alternates both diarrhea and constipation. So in this case, the anise infusion will only be suitable if you are suffering from a few days when you have difficulty going to the bathroom.

To prepare it, you just have to take a tablespoon of anise seeds and put them to boil along with a cup of water. You can have it for breakfast and mid-afternoon.

Chamomile infusion

Chamomile for irritable bowel

The mint belongs to the family, anti-spasmodic, carminative relaxants and sedatives plants. This means that, once they reach our digestive system, they will act directly on our stomach and intestines. There they manage to lower inflammation, reduce pain and give us a relaxing sensation.

To prepare it you only need a tablespoon of dried mint. Boil a cup of water and allow it to sit. It is important that in these infusions you do not include sugar.  If you wish, use a sweetener such as stevia.

Sage infusion

Sage for irritable bowel

Sage infusion is suitable if you are suffering from diarrhea, vomiting and dizziness. They are also common symptoms in the irritable bowel, so this plant with astringent properties will be of great help to you.

In addition, it has an excellent sedative action that will allow you to relax. Be sure to try it if you suffer from these symptoms. To prepare it, have 10 grams of this plant, boil it with three glasses of water and allow it to rest for 5 minutes. You can drink up to 3 cups a day.

Thyme infusion

Thyme for irritable bowel

The thyme infusion is another good option in case we suffer from irritable colon. This medicinal plant will help us to digest, relieve pain and inflammation. In addition, it will cleanse our intestines of toxins and bacteria.

As in the rest of infusions, you have enough with a teaspoon in a cup of boiling water. Let it come to a boil and then rest for a few minutes.

Fenugreek infusion

Plantain for irritable bowel

Fenugreek seeds are normally used for diseases of the digestive system, and especially to protect the intestine. It has a high content of vitamin B. This is appropriate to calm anxiety, pain and to regulate our body in case we suffer from constipation.

It is recommended to take only once a day.  To prepare it, you must have a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds, boil them and then let the infusion rest for five minutes. Afterwards, you just have to filter the contents with a strainer and drink little by little. It will serve as a relief.

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