Ketogenic Diet, An Aid For Epilepsy But Also A Risk

You have surely heard of ketosis. However, you may not know as much about how the ketogenic diet affects people with epilepsy. Therefore, today we address this topic so that you know what is known from a scientific point of view.

The reality is that for years the ketogenic diet has been used in some epileptic patients who do not respond adequately to medications. This is because it is associated with a dramatic reduction in seizures in a good portion of patients.

Why can the ketogenic diet help epilepsy patients?

As a 2010 publication in the journal Current Treatment Options in Neurology points out,  the ketogenic diet has been used since the 1920s as a treatment for intractable epilepsy. 

Apparently, this eating pattern, which is very high in fat and low in carbohydrates, has the ability to modify neuronal metabolism and excitability to reduce the frequency of attacks.

Therefore, it is also being suggested as a therapeutic measure for disorders related to metabolic defects, trauma and ischemia, autism and neurodegenerative diseases.

Ketogenic diet composition

For ketosis to occur, you need to drastically cut back on carbohydrates. This will force the body to use fat  for energy.  Like glucose, ketones can be used by the muscles, heart, and brain for energy.


A ketogenic diet should be very low in carbohydrates and high in fat. A carbohydrate intake below 50 grams per day can induce ketosis, although it is recommended that these remain below 20 grams per day.


Protein intake should be kept low to moderate because excess protein can be converted to glucose, leading to being out of ketosis. For epileptics, carbohydrates and protein together should not contribute more than 10% of calories.

Red meat


Fats provide 70 to 90% of the calories on a ketogenic diet. The so-called MCT fat, or medium chain triglycerides ,  help promote ketosis.  You should know that they are found in large quantities in coconut oil.

Risks of a ketogenic diet in people with epilepsy

Despite the benefits of the ketogenic diet in people with epilepsy, it must be taken into account that it can be dangerous in the long term and cause:

  • High cholesterol, which is a risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and certain types of cancer.
  • Excessive uric acid production, which increases the risk of kidney stones and gout. Also, it is associated with hypertension, heart disease, and kidney disease.
  • Fatigue and physical weakness.
  • Mild to severe constipation with stomach symptoms due to low fiber intake.

Did you know the effectiveness of the ketogenic diet in people with epilepsy? It has been used for years and has been shown to be very helpful in reducing seizures. So if you know any epileptic, advise them to ask their doctor  if this diet would be good for them.

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