Medicinal Herbs To Treat Anemia

Anemia is a disorder that affects many people around the world. The causes are varied, and range from an incorrect diet, a liver problem, to heavy menstruation in women.

In anemic people the number and size of red blood cells, or the concentration of hemoglobin, falls below a certain value.

A low number of red blood cells affects the transport of oxygen to the cells, making it difficult to obtain energy. This explains why anemic people feel tired.

There are remedies that can improve health and reverse anemia. For example, some plants can be perfect allies in this process. Find out which infusions help treat anemia as a complementary treatment to medical treatment. Remember that you should always consult the doctor.

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Medicinal plants to treat anemia

Nature offers us a wide range of resources that can treat low iron levels in the blood.

First of all, you should start improving your diet, including legumes, vegetables like spinach, nuts like almonds, and whole grains like oats.

Usually, the doctor also supplements the diet with iron capsules and vitamins such as A, C, B1, B2 and K, and minerals.

In addition to following the advice of your doctor and increasing the iron-rich products in your diet, we suggest that you take the following infusions daily.

Choose those that are more pleasant and easy to get, and have them with your breakfast and after your main meal. That way you will find improvements little by little.

1. Nettle infusion

nettle tea against anemia

Nettle is the most recommended in these cases. In your usual herbal stores you can find these plants ready for infusions, as well as in capsules.

Thanks to its stimulating properties of the production of red blood cells, nettle is a magnificent ally to treat anemia.

You can drink up to 3 cups a day. You just have to bring a cup of water to a boil, and add a heaping teaspoon of nettles. Let stand three minutes, strain and enjoy its unique flavor.

2. Infusion of dandelion

Dandelion is a plant that is also well known for raising the level of iron in the blood.

Feel free to have two cups a day of dandelion tea. To do this, the ideal is to put a heaping teaspoon of dandelion in a cup of boiling water. Let stand 5 minutes and drink little by little.

3. Alfalfa infusion

Alfalfa contains a high concentration of iron in its highest and aerial parts. It makes it possible to manufacture hemoglobin, not only increasing the production of red blood cells, but it is also very rich in vitamin B12.

To prepare the alfalfa infusion:

  • You can get alfalfa already ready for infusions in health food stores.
  • Place two tablespoons of the plant in a cup of water to boil.
  • After 15 to 20 minutes of boiling, let it rest for 5 minutes.
  • Then, strain the content and add a little honey if you wish.
  • Take it twice a day: at your breakfast and after your main meal.

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4. Infusion of horsetail

Horsetail is a plant that is used for many aspects of health. Among them, lose weight, lower uric acid, rheumatism, arthritis, cystitis.

It is perfect for recovering from fatigue, it acts as a revitalizer and raises the iron level due to its high content of minerals, such as iron and silicon.

Remember that the decoction of horsetail should be a little longer so that all its minerals can be obtained.

When you get this plant in your health food store, let it rest in boiling water for at least half an hour. This way you make sure you get all the benefits of the plant.

5. Infusion of sage

sage for anemia

Sage has digestive properties, relieves headaches and it is highly recommended to take it for example in the middle of the afternoon.

If we add to this that it promotes the formation of blood cells, it makes this infusion a remedy that you cannot miss in your day to day to treat your anemia.

Boil a sachet with a cup of water, let it rest for about five minutes and sweeten it if you wish with a little honey. Enjoy it and regain your energy.

As we said previously, natural and home treatments should be discussed with a doctor, and accompany the medical treatment recommended by the doctor.

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