Microneedling, A New Anti-aging Treatment

The microneedling is one of the beauty treatments aimed at helping restore the skin ‘s collagen. The latter is in charge of keeping the dermis looking youthful and healthy ; however, with the passage of time and exposure to certain external factors, its production decreases.

In this sense, this innovative treatment manages to increase its production, in such a way that the skin remains firm and free of imperfections such as expression lines, scars and stretch marks. Are you interested in knowing more about it? Keep reading!

What is microneedling ?

The microneedling is a little invasive procedure that generates the induction of collagen through multiple micro – punctures caused on the skin tissue. These injuries stimulate the skin’s own mechanisms to repair itself.

Fibroblasts are activated and provoke a response in the dermis tissue, with the consequent increase in collagen and retraction of the skin. In this way, it reduces sagging and the appearance of signs of age.

To do this, an electronic device with needles at the end is used, which are regulated based on the depth to be punctured, depending on the treatment objective or the person’s skin type.

The session is short, as it can last around 30 minutes. It begins with a correct cleansing of the skin. Then, an anesthetic cream is applied (if necessary) for a period of 30 minutes, and when it is removed, the procedure begins.

Studies published by The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology conclude that it is a well-tolerated practice, with minimal pain and mild discomfort.

What is microneedling?

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Indications for use of microneedling

Through safe procedures, treatments to aid skin rejuvenation have numerous benefits. The stimulation of the production of substances such as elastin and collagen significantly improves the appearance of the skin.

According to a 2016 review published in the Indian Dermatology Online Journal, the benefits of microneedling include the following:

  • Improves the appearance of scars (post-traumatic, burns, acne, etc.).
  • Reduces fine and moderate lines and wrinkles.
  • Improves alopecia.
  • Decreases hyperhidrosis.
  • Tones and softens the skin.
  • Reduces stretch marks.
  • Reduces blemishes and evens out skin tone.
  • Prevents aging.
  • It collaborates with the absorption of assets, such as Vitamin C, hilauronic acid, tranexamic acid or retinol.

Contraindications of microneedling

Although aesthetic treatments do not usually have too many contraindications, in this type of procedure an injury is caused intentionally, therefore, its performance is not recommended in the following cases:

  • Inflamed or infected skin in the area to be treated (including herpes).
  • Pregnant
  • Lactating women.
  • Patients with a history of keloid or hypertrophic scarring.
  • Alterations in coagulation.

Benefits compared to other rejuvenation treatments

In microneedling procedures the results are not observed at the moment. By stimulating the natural skin repair process at the cellular level, changes will be noticed a month after the intervention.

After the session, you can continue with the usual activities. In turn, it can be implemented on all skin types (even those that are tanned) and at any time of the year.

On the other hand, it can be done in delicate areas, such as the décolleté and neck, without causing risks and with total safety. According to a study published by Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatolog and it is a simple therapeutic modality, with minimal adverse effects and a promising safety profile.

Can it be done in conjunction with other treatments?

In order to maintain the results of the procedure, several sessions are required and, in turn, it can be complemented with other treatments to optimize the effects. The micropunctions favor that the active ingredients penetrate by 90%.

An article in Experimental Dermatology recommends its use in conjunction with treatments involving other molecules, such as growth factors for cell regeneration in platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment.


Post-session care

It is recommended not to do physical activity for the next 24 hours after the medical consultation. It is important to reaffirm the use of sun protection factor each time aesthetic treatments are performed on exposed areas of the skin and, in turn, supplement with a good fragrance-free moisturizer.

Similarly, in the course of the first 12 hours, it is necessary to avoid the use of makeup or products that contain retinol, vitamin C or acids. Sometimes the skin is slightly erythema or slightly dry for the first two to three days.

What is there to remember about microneedling ?

The microneedling is a non – invasive procedure that should be performed by qualified and trained medical personnel to avoid complications. It is a simple and safe aesthetic treatment, which is indicated both to prevent premature signs of aging and for dermatological problems.

The ideal is to carry out between 3 and 4 sessions, in monthly intervals, to obtain an optimal result. However, those with acne scars may require even more.

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