Natural Remedies For Nervous Cough

Nervous cough can be a symptom of a disorder in the nervous system, so, apart from calming the cough with these natural remedies, it is advisable to go to a specialist to treat the underlying cause.

Cough is popularly known to be a symptom that normally accompanies colds. However, this is not the case of a nervous cough, understood as a dry, mucusless, repetitive and irritating cough, which can become very annoying, usually caused by nervous or emotional causes.

Therefore, if your cough persists over time, do not hesitate to consult a specialist. In this article we explain what this cough consists of, how to identify it and what natural remedies can help to improve it, but never replace medical and / or psychological treatment.

How to identify a nervous cough?

It is necessary to see a doctor to determine whether or not it is this sign. Popularly, it can be identified if it fits the following characteristics:

  • It does not accompany any other health problem of which it is a common symptom (cold, flu, etc.).
  • Appears and disappears for no apparent reason.
  • It disappears in times of less work stress, such as holidays or weekends.
  • It can occur in the form of persistent attacks or at night.
  • It is not accompanied by mucus.
  • Irritating to the respiratory tract.

What is its cause?

Although there is no scientific evidence to support it, it is believed that this type of cough is not related to a specific disease, but is caused by a disorder in the nervous system, such as:

  • Stressful situations
  • Anxiety
  • Shock or emotional trauma
  • Nervousness

In general, the cause not scientifically proven is usually a repressed emotion, which the body manifests with this cough. Apart from calming the cough with a natural remedy, it is advisable to identify and try to minimize this cause with therapy or relaxing exercises that also help us balance our emotions.

Mallow root and flowers

Mallow for a nervous cough

The root of this lilac-flowered plant that is easily found in the wild fields has expectorant and emollient properties, making it very effective in treating coughs and other throat problems, such as hoarseness or hoarseness, and respiratory diseases, such as Bronchitis.

In addition, thanks to its mucilage content, it softens and hydrates the vocal cords.

Iceland Lichen

Iceland Lichen

This curious moss-shaped plant helps us protect the throat and fight dry and persistent coughs, according to popular belief. It also helps to soften the airways and fight irritation caused by this type of cough.

Lichen of Iceland also contains mucilage and immunostimulating properties, making it ideal for strengthening defenses.


This plant, also called  plantago major , is a very common ingredient in cough syrups. In addition to fighting a nervous cough, it also helps to minimize hoarseness and relieve bronchial colds.

It is especially recommended for smokers.



The opium poppy, or royal poppy, has sedative and emollient properties, so its therapeutic effects also affect the nervous system in general, and not just the throat. Formerly it was used to treat lung conditions.

It must be taken into account that as its name indicates it has a slight sleeping effect, so we must avoid certain activities that may be dangerous while it takes effect, or take it at night.


Sundew, a plant also common in cough syrups, is recommended  for treating nervous or dry coughs, of the spasmodic type, and also for cases of inflammation of the trachea.



Thyme is a plant with many excellent therapeutic properties, and easy to obtain in the field, which helps to treat irritating and spasmodic coughs  that are not accompanied by mucus. It is also very beneficial in cases of bronchitis, asthma, laryngitis and flu.

How do we take them?

We can take advantage of the benefits of these medicinal plants in the following ways:

  • Syrup : as indicated in the leaflet of the chosen product.
  • Infusion : two or three cups a day for at least a month. It is also advisable to  gargle daily, before the moment when the cough usually attacks.
  • Essential oil: apply to the skin on the throat and chest, or put a few drops on the pillow before going to bed.

We always recommend consulting a doctor or therapist before carrying out any treatment, since medicinal plants, although they are natural, also have contraindications and side effects.

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