Natural Sugar Scrub To Pamper Your Skin At Home

Exfoliation has become one of the aesthetic treatments that cannot be missed in the beauty routine, since its regular practice contributes to improving the appearance of the skin. Simple foods like sugar can be used to prepare homemade scrubs.

As most of us already know, both the face and the body tend to suffer continuous deterioration from exposure to the sun, poor diet and toxins from the environment.

Fortunately, exfoliating products and methods mitigate all these negative effects to give you a bright, youthful appearance free of minor blemishes.

In addition to this, its application on the skin facilitates the absorption of the nutrients that come from creams, lotions and other facial care products.

For this reason, this time we want to share a 100% natural alternative with which you can achieve a complete exfoliation without having to spend on products or beauty centers.

It is nothing more and nothing less than the classic sugar scrub, this time combined with olive oil and an essential oil.

Don’t stop trying it!

What are the benefits of exfoliating the skin with sugar?

exfoliate skin with sugar

Although the uses of sugar as a sweetener for dishes and beverages are discouraged for health reasons, it can be used in the development of natural beauty products to revitalize and protect the skin.

In fact, it is proven that it is useful to remove impurities from the face, get a fresh appearance and remove those blackheads that torment us so much.

Whether white or brown, this ingredient is a formidable homemade scrub that, when applied, removes dead skin and other particles that remain inside the pores.


It contains a substance known as glycolic acid, which acts not only by abrasion, but also at a chemical level.

This means that, in addition to removing impurities from the surface, it has the power to do a deep cleaning to remove those chemical residues that remain from other products.

As a result, the skin is soft, clean and free from alterations such as pimples, blemishes and premature wrinkles.

Besides everything, it is very economical, easy to prepare and, even, it is at the hand of most of the people.

How to prepare a natural sugar scrub at home?

How to prepare at home

The exfoliating cream that we obtain by combining sugar with oil helps us to treat the face, elbows and knees, hands and other visible parts of the body.

The ideal is to use it twice a week to keep the skin renewed, free of impurities and ready to absorb the properties of other cosmetics.

Of course, it should not be applied excessively because it can alter the natural pH and cause excess dryness.


  • 1 cup of granulated sugar (200 g)
  • ⅓ cup of extra virgin olive oil (66 g)
  • 10 drops of essential oil of your choice (lavender, lemon, roses, etc.)


  • 1 airtight glass container


  • Add the cup of granulated sugar to a bowl and mix it with the olive oil and essential oil of your choice.
  • Stir everything with a spoon until it forms a thick paste.
  • If you think it’s too dry, add another drizzle of olive oil.
  • Once it’s ready, pour the product into an airtight jar and keep it in the refrigerator.

How to use

  • Take the necessary amount of sugar scrub and rub it on the areas of the body that you want to treat.
  • Apply a thin layer to them and perform gentle circular massages to facilitate the removal of dead skin.
  • Wait for five minutes to act and remove the excess with a damp towel.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water and finish by applying a moisturizer or toner.

To keep in mind!

If you don’t have an essential oil on hand, you can replace it with fresh lemon juice and a little zest from its peel. This ingredient is excellent for the skin because it provides vitamin C and antioxidants.

However, its use must be exclusively nocturnal because its subsequent exposure to the sun can cause stains.

Olive oil can also be substituted for coconut or almond oil.

In an airtight jar and stored in the fridge, this homemade scrub can last up to four months in good condition.

Go ahead and include it in your beauty habits and see that you can do a lot for your skin without spending too much money.

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