Prawn Cocktail

The prawn cocktail is a popular appetizer, which can be consumed as a starter, cover or first course, accompanied by a second plate, preferably fish.

Preparing a prawn cocktail is relatively simple, but the secret of this succulent and fresh recipe, ideal to consume in summer, is the sauce. This time we are going to teach you how to make a sauce as an excellent base for the cocktail.

We are going to see two delicious variants of the recipe.

Recipe # 1. Prawn cocktail with brandy pink sauce


  • Peeled prawns (600 g).
  • Romaine lettuce.
  • Lemon.

For the sauce:

  • Egg.
  • Sunflower seed oil (230 g).
  • White vinegar.
  • Salt.
  • Radish.
  • Ketchup.
  • A drop of brandy.

The brandy that we use in this recipe to give a special touch to the prawn cocktail is a wine distillate, among the oldest in the world and its alcohol content is around 40 °. It is produced in Italy, France and Spain.


We prepare the prawns

  1. Put a pot of salted water to heat, with a bay leaf.
  2. As soon as the water comes to a boil, soak the prawns for about 3 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, prepare a bowl of ice water to cool the prawns.

We prepare the sauce

  1. Put the egg, the oilseeds, a tablespoon of vinegar, salt and a little radish in a bowl.
  2. Mix these ingredients with a mixer, until you get a thick sauce.
  3. Put the mayonnaise in a bowl and place two tablespoons of tomato sauce, what you will get is a pink sauce.
  4. You can add a splash of brandy to the cocktail sauce.


  1. We take the prawns and put them in a container of ice water.
  2. After a few minutes, we dry the prawns on kitchen paper.
  3. Put them in the serving dish and top with the pink sauce. Mix everything well.

Serve the prawn cocktail in Martini glasses with chunks of fresh lettuce. Decorate the glasses with a lemon wedge.

Recipe # 2. Prawn cocktail with pink sauce

The prawn cocktail is one of the most popular and appreciated appetizers on our tables, especially during hot periods. The delicate flavor is due to the cocktail sauce, lightly flavored with cognac, which perfectly matches the flavor of the prawns, presented on a bed of finely chopped lettuce. This plate is ideal for special occasions or for lunches, dinners, etc.


  • 400 g of prawns.

For the pink sauce

  • Worcestershire sauce (20 g).
  • Cognac (15 g).
  • Mustard (5 g).
  • Ketchup.
  • Egg yolks at room temperature.
  • Lemon juice (25 ml).
  • Seed oil (250 ml).
  • Vinegar.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Pepper to taste

To decorate

  • Lettuce.


cabbage salad anjuli_ayer

Preparation of the pink sauce:

  1. Put the eggs at room temperature. Place the egg yolks in a bowl and add salt and pepper to your liking.
  2. Pour in the vinegar and mix the ingredients with an electric mixer.
  3. Add the seed oil very slowly; you will have to mix until you get a thick sauce.
  4. Pour in the lemon juice and continue working with the blender, until you get a homogeneous and compact texture.
  5. Add the tomato sauce and Worcestershire sauce.
  6. Add the cognac and mustard and mix gently.
  7. Put in the fridge for at least an hour.

Clean the prawns:

  1. Rinse them first and then pat dry with kitchen paper.
  2. Pull the head and skin. Once the exterior is clean, remove the intestines from inside (that is, the black filament), pulling gently.
  3. Boil the prawns for 2-3 minutes in a pot. When they are ready, that is, pink, drain and cool in a large bowl with ice and water.


  1. Pour the cocktail sauce over the prawns in a bowl and mix well.
  2. Wash the lettuce in cool water and pat the leaves dry with kitchen paper. Cut them up, setting aside some whole leaves for the final decoration.
  3. Place it in 4 containers and add the prawns with the cocktail sauce.
  4. Finish by adding the whole leaves that you have kept aside.

Then you can serve and enjoy your prawn cocktail.

Choose the sauce you prefer to taste your exquisite dish and surprise your guests!

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