Prevent Myopia With Natural Remedies: Is It Possible?

Nearsightedness is a very common visual condition throughout the world. Although there are those who suggest that some natural remedies help prevent it, the truth is that there is no evidence to prove it. What should you know about it? Here we tell you!

Nearsightedness can affect both children and adults and is an abnormality of the eye in which objects that are close can be seen clearly, while objects that are far away are blurred. 

Although apparently this condition is hereditary, its development is also related to other factors such as spending a lot of time reading, straining your eyes in certain visual works, spending a lot of time in front of the computer without resting your eyes, among others.

Today, myopia is a common condition throughout the world. If you have noticed that you have to strain your eyes to focus and be able to decipher the objects you observe in the distance, or have experienced headaches for no specific reason, you could be suffering from this condition.

If you identify such symptoms, it is important to see your ophthalmologist for proper diagnosis and treatment. On the other hand, if you are looking to prevent it, it is important to know the habits that help. Will it be possible to reduce the risk with natural remedies? We will detail it below.

Is it possible to prevent myopia with natural remedies?

Some natural remedies, such as turmeric, blueberries, carrots, or horsetail, are said to help prevent nearsightedness. However, it is important to know that there is no evidence to support such effects in these remedies.

In fact, as it is a condition of multifactorial origin, there is no 100% effective method to prevent its appearance. In general, it is advisable to adjust some habits to reduce the chances of suffering it. According to a Mayo Clinic publication, such habits include:

  • Spending a lot of time in front of computer screens, television or mobile devices.
  • Read too closely.
  • Expose to the sun.
  • Consume cigarette.
  • Eating a bad diet.
Carrot juice

Myths about preventing myopia

There are other myths about some exercises or foods that can help prevent myopia, but these, for the most part, only help decrease eye strain and rest the eyes. Here are some of them:

  • Massage the eye contour with your fingertips from time to time.
  • Squeeze your eyes tightly for a few seconds to avoid tension.
  • Open and close your eyes for a few minutes.
  • Look into the distance every so often to relax your eyes.
  • Take infusions of medicinal plants.

It might interest you: 4 exercises for the health of your eyes

How is myopia treated?

In addition to reducing the time we spend in front of the television, computer or cell phone, a publication from the American Optometric Association  points out that these are the options to reverse the effect of myopia:

  • Eyeglasses. This is the most common way to correct this condition. Depending on the level of myopia, you can resort to sporadic use lenses, either to watch television or to drive. If the condition is severe, permanent lenses may be needed.
  • Ortho-k or CRT lenses . This is a non-invasive solution using special contact lenses that are worn at night to correct the curvature of the cornea.
  • To be. With this practice, a quantity of ocular tissue is removed to reshape the eye.
  • Refractive surgery. In this procedure, a lens is implanted over the natural lens of the eye or permanently replaced. It is used when myopia is very advanced and the laser is not enough.
  • Vision therapy. This option is used when the person has blurred vision due to muscle spasm.

How can we take care of the health of our eyes?

How can we take care of the health of our eyes?

Finally, it is important to remember that, before any sign or symptom of vision problems, it is important to consult with the ophthalmologist to stop or prevent the development of eye conditions.

However, coinciding with a Health Hub post , you can use the following habits to give your eyes a rest:

  • Have adequate lighting in the room.
  • When reading, keep a distance of 30 cm between your eyes and the book.
  • Read books or magazines in large print so as not to strain your eyes.
  • Do not read in bed or in moving vehicles.
  • Place the computer screen at a distance of 50 cm from the eyes.
  • Reduce the brightness of the computer and cell phone screen.
  • Maintain an appropriate distance from the television. The bigger the screen, the further you have to go.
  • Sit upright in a comfortable chair.

Although there are no magic bullets to treat myopia, catching it early and making some lifestyle changes can help prevent its development.

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