Push-up Variations To Avoid Wrist Pain

Push-ups are exercises that heavily affect the wrists. In fact, the incidence can be higher when the body is not in a position for certain practices. Consequently, the annoyances appear and slow down any kind of definite progress. However, there is a solution associated with flexing variations.

The basic exercise consists of lying on your stomach and supporting both the palms of the hands and the tips of the feet on the floor. In the case of the hands, they should have a larger opening than the shoulders.

Immediately afterwards, the descending movement is carried out —without sticking the chest— and ascending to the starting position. Also, the possible modifications are diverse.

On the other hand, you must learn to identify the difference between wrist pain due to poor movement or pain due to injuries or arthritis, among others. Thus, if it is a major problem, the measure to take is not to change position, but to go to the doctor for a diagnosis.

Long-term consequences

One of the biggest long-term consequences of doing push-ups in pain is tendon damage and inflammation. In this way, if it is not treated within a prudent period, severe chronicity tends to appear.

In addition, permanent irritation to the wrist is an effect derived from performing this type of exercise when discomfort is perceived. Finally, carpal tunnel syndrome, in which the median nerve is under excessive pressure, is another of its own difficulties for not taking accurate and timely measures.

Variation of position

One of the ways to do push-up variations to avoid wrist pain is with the changes of position that the body supports during exercise. In this sense, some posture alternatives are the following.

Standing push-ups

Standing push-ups are effective so that the load on the wrists is reduced, generating a gradual adaptation of all the muscles involved before moving to a higher level of demand. The first of the proposed push-up variations should follow this procedure:

  • Locate a smooth wall and stand straight 6 inches apart.
  • Place both palms on the wall more than shoulder-width apart.
  • Bend your elbows until your chest is close to the wall.
  • Return to the starting position without losing the momentum generated.
  • Perform 2 sets of 10 reps.
Traditional form of push-ups without variations.

Modified bench push-ups

You can use a bench, wall or any stable object that is about 40 centimeters from the ground. In this way, the inclination of the body will be reduced and the wrists will not be subjected to the usual maximum effort.

Its practice is conceived as follows:

  • Position yourself in front of a bench that is horizontal.
  • Place the two palms of the hands on the edge with a separation greater than the shoulders.
  • Without moving your hands, take a few steps back so that your legs are straight. The feet must remain on the imaginary line of the shoulders.
  • Bend your elbows and lower yourself until your chest is a few inches from the bench.
  • Hold the position for 2 seconds.
  • Raise your chest to the starting position.
  • Apply 2 sets of 8 repetitions.

Static Support Push-ups

It is one of the most interesting push-up variations, because it reduces the demand with the increase in replacement times. The only thing that is needed for its realization is the presence of two gym bars or, failing that, dumbbells.

Run the exercise like this:

  • Position the gym bars at a distance greater than that established by the shoulders.
  • Take a barbell in each hand and place your legs extended with a drop on the balls of your feet.
  • Bend your elbows and lower your chest to the top of the bars.
  • Preserve the position for 5 seconds.
  • It marks the upward movement to the starting position.
  • Perform 2 sets of 8 reps.

Variation of the exercise

The circumstance may arise that you are not prepared to assume the wear and tear that push-ups entail. Therefore, the best way to continue training is to vary the exercise.

In this way, the muscles required in the push-ups are strengthened for its application with guarantees in the future.

TRX chest fly

As its name warns us, a TRX system is required to perform this exercise. Its advantage is that the tension towards the muscles can be adjusted comfortably.

Now, if you have everything you need and want to start, do the following:

  • Get into a position with your gaze away from the anchor. The feet should be aligned with the distance described by the shoulders.
  • With each hand on a handle, stretch both arms forward.
  • Take your body forward with a lunge step and apply an arm opening. The angle between the torso and the arms should be 90 degrees, that is, in a “T” -shaped position.
  • Go back to the first position.
  • Do 2 sets of 10 reps.

Launch slam ball

It is a simple movement with the presence of a slam ball and a wall with a regular surface so that the rebound is comfortable. For its application, the following must be done:

  • Stand facing a wall, 60 centimeters away. In turn, the position of the feet should follow the pattern of the shoulders
  • Throw the ball hard from your chest toward the wall.
  • Take the bounce, let the body bear the load and repeat the mechanics of the movement.
  • Make 8-10 pitches.
Use the slam ball to strengthen the wrists.

Low iron

The low plank will serve to work each of the muscles involved in the basic push-ups. However, the difference is that the affectation of the wrists is not taken into account for the equation.

It is the turn of your application by following these steps:

  • Set up an exercise mat in any clear area.
  • Place the body face down, using the forearms for superior support. For its part, in the lower area should be the legs extended and the tips of the feet as support.
  • It presses on the core of the body.
  • Hold the position for a time that ranges between 25 and 30 seconds.
  • Repeat between 5 and 10 times according to the response of the body.

Tips for relieving wrist pain

In addition to the variations of push-ups to avoid pain in the wrists, some tips can be followed in order to make the discomfort more bearable until it disappears. Among the alternatives are the following:

  • Take a few minutes to do daily stretches.
  • Soak the dolls in warm water.
  • Apply sufficient rest to the wrist in a lifting position.
  • Take an anti-inflammatory medicine.
  • Use alternating hot and cold therapy.

    Correct techniques for push-up variations

    Push-up variations are a great solution for sore wrists. However, when overcoming the discomfort,  it is advisable to pay attention to a correct technique, to strengthening the muscles of the forearms and to mobility work through flexion-extensions.

    If for any reason the recovery time for wrist pain is very long, a doctor should be consulted for a thorough evaluation of the problem.

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