Refreshing Watermelon, Grapefruit And Ginger Diuretic Smoothie

Ginger is a root with a slightly spicy taste that can increase metabolism and support weight loss in the context of a hypocaloric diet.

People who are hot, with fluid retention or heaviness, and also those who want to facilitate kidney function, can prepare this delicious and refreshing diuretic shake based on watermelon, grapefruit and ginger.

These three natural ingredients have many properties, in addition to combining perfectly in this original drink. 

Why do we need a diuretic shake?

Foods with diuretic properties help us eliminate excess fluids that accumulate in our body and cause us to be bloated and heavy. In addition, by facilitating the excretion of fluids we also facilitate the work of the kidney, which provides us with an increase in energy and vitality levels.

This diuretic shake, therefore, helps us lose weight and volume in a simple and natural way. It is also very beneficial for those who suffer from common joint pain. The elimination of liquids reduces inflammation, in addition to providing a good amount of vitamins and minerals.

On the other hand, it contributes to reducing high blood pressure. However, professional monitoring is always recommended if you are taking medication.

However, this shake should not replace any drug treatment. It also won’t be able to make you lose weight miraculously. It must be framed within the framework of a varied and balanced diet.



Sweet and very refreshing, watermelon is one of the fruits that contains the most water. However, its inclusion in this shake is essential due to its high content of minerals such as magnesium and potassium, which facilitate the elimination of liquids.

In addition, watermelon also stands out for its lycopene content, an antioxidant nutrient that helps reduce the risk of developing diseases, according to an article published in the journal “Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity.”



This excellent citrus with a sour, bitter and slightly sweet taste, is a food that stands out for its diuretic properties. In addition, it also has slightly laxative effects. For this reason it is a very suitable fruit in any diet to lose weight.

Grapefruit is rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, folic acid, magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Since most of its nutrients are found in the peel, to make this smoothie we recommend choosing organic grapefruits.

Remember that vitamin C is an essential substance for the proper functioning of the immune system, as evidenced by a study published in 2018. For this reason it is worth guaranteeing its intake. Including grapefruit in your regular diet is an effective way to increase your levels.



One of our favorite spices is ginger, a rhizome with an exotic and slightly spicy flavor that is used in many cultures to enhance the flavor of dishes and to improve digestion. However, ginger has stood out since ancient times for its nutritional properties.

This medicinal food is a great remedy to eliminate bloating in the belly caused by both fluid retention and fat accumulation.

Not only does it help us to lose volume, but it also speeds up the metabolism, which leads to a greater expenditure of calories and, with it, easier to lose weight. We can use ginger powder or raw and grated.

How do we prepare the shake?

For a diuretic shake we will need the following amounts:

  • A large slice of watermelon, with its seeds included.
  • Half a large grapefruit and a piece of its peel, as long as it is organic.
  • A pinch of ground ginger or fresh ginger zest.
  • A little honey, if we wish it sweeter.

We will beat the ingredients well and take it very cold.

When do we take it?

  • The time when it is most beneficial to take this diuretic shake is on an empty stomach, since it is the time when the body is most receptive to any remedy, especially if its function is to purify.
  • We will have a good glass of this shake at least half an hour before eating anything solid.
  • If we want to enhance its effects, we can have another shake in the middle of the afternoon, but always separated from food.
  • Taking this shake for 2 to 4 weeks will give us visible and satisfactory results.

Consume this shake as part of a hypocaloric diet

If your goal is to reduce bloating and lose weight, this shake can be of great help. Introduce it with some frequency within the framework of a hypocaloric diet to improve its results.

Remember that spicy foods, including ginger, have weight loss potential. Combine them with good eating habits, coffee and tea, in order to achieve your goals.

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