Simple Tips To Avoid Glare On The Face

The shine on the face is a very annoying cosmetic problem. Few things can be so annoying. You finish putting on your makeup and, in a short time, it ends up disappearing because of that oily skin that spoils our appearance. And not only that. In addition, it is common that, along with those highlights, we also suffer from acne and those unsightly blackheads.

What can we do? Is there perhaps an effective strategy that allows us to reduce the uncomfortable glare on the face ? Don’t worry, we give you a series of simple tips that will surely help you. Do we take note?

Why do we get glitters on our faces?

Makeup brushes.

Shines on the face are very common among women and, as you already know, they are usually more visible in that area that forms a “T” on our face. For what is this? Good question. This common phenomenon has various origins that are worth knowing, although there is no scientific evidence to support these etiologies:

  • Most of the time it is a matter of genetics. Surely at home your parents and your siblings also suffer.
  • Sometimes, the glow on the face usually appears due to hormonal changes, either during menstruation, or when we are very young, and even by menopause. You should also bear in mind that a thyroid problem can also cause this type of skin alteration.
  • The stress and anxiety can also alter our metabolism and cause annoying glare we suffer in the face.
  • Nor do you rule out that the use of contraceptive methods, such  as the pill, can cause this problem.

However, in the event of any skin problem, remember that it is a priority to consult a professional, who will tell you what may be the origin of this excess fat on the face and recommend the best treatment, appropriate to your case.

Tips to combat glare on the face

1. Facial cleansing with rice water

You should know that the use of rice water is wonderful to treat the excess fat that we produce on the face, thus avoiding shine on the face. Still, consult your dermatologist before using it on your skin. 

In the absence of more scientific studies, seto is believed to be due to the fact that rice contains compounds called “tocotrienols”, capable of absorbing moisture and fat, thus allowing the sebaceous glands to normalize the production of fat. Take note of what you should do:

Ingredients to prepare my rice water tonic

  • 100 grams of rice.
  • 250 ml of mineral water.
  • A bottle with a spray bottle.

How do we do it?

It is very easy, you just have to cook the rice for 20 minutes, then strain the content and keep the water you have obtained. Then, take it to the bottle you have chosen and store it in your refrigerator (it can last 5 days).

It is important that we carry out a deep cleaning of the face twice a day, in the morning and at night. Apply the rice water on your face and help yourself with a cotton ball to remove impurities, excess sebum and possible traces of makeup.

After four days, you will begin to see results. It’s phenomenal!

2. Astringent recipe to combat shine on the face


This astringent toner is a sensational option to combat shine on the face. In fact, these ingredients have been used for acne treatments. It is so easy to do that you will always want to have it on hand.

The ingredients that we are going to use are mint and parsley, two natural, astringent and refreshing elements, perfect for removing fat from the face without drying it out. It offers a very good result!


  • 100 grams of chopped parsley.
  • 100 grams of minced mint.
  • A glass of mineral water (200 ml)
  • A spray bottle.

How do I prepare it?

We will make a decoction with all the ingredients. When the water comes to a boil, add the mint and parsley and let them distill for 20 minutes.

After that time, we turn off the fire and allow it to rest for 10 minutes.  Later, we take it to the bottle that we have prepared.

This toner lasts for a week in the refrigerator. You should apply it after washing your face with the rice water. In this way, we refresh the skin after cleansing and regulate the production of oil. Once applied, you can start putting on makeup.

3. Homemade mask for shine on the face

glitters on the face

Twice a week, just before going to sleep, it will be very appropriate that you prepare this simple homemade mask. Take note:


  • ½ ripe tomato.
  • 3 dried bay leaves.
  • The white of an egg.
  • A glass of water (200 ml).

How do I prepare my homemade mask?

The first thing we are going to do is infuse the laurel. When the water boils, add the three leaves of this plant to cook. Let it sit for 10 minutes.

Then, bring the egg white to stiff and mix it with the half tomato that, previously, we will have chopped. Very easy! Once you have the laurel infusion ready, add it to that mixture of egg white and tomato.

To apply it on the face you must use a brush. Remember  that the forehead and nose area should be well soaked, where the shine usually appears.

Allow it to act for 15 minutes, then wash your face thoroughly with warm water. Once your skin is dry, apply your regular moisturizer. You will see how well you do!

As a last tip, tell you that it is better to avoid all those cosmetics and creams with an oily texture that can increase shine on the face.

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