The 8 Best Foods To Relieve The Effects Of Stress

Did you know that turkey breast, in addition to helping you improve physical performance, could help regulate stress levels?

The relationship between diet and mood has been pointed out and studied by experts throughout the world. Now , is it possible that some foods help alleviate the effects of stress?

Although most ignore it, the substances that make up food trigger various reactions in the body and, thus, could influence the emotional state for better or for worse. In this sense, it is believed that excess fat and sugars would tend to worsen this condition.

On the other hand, choosing foods of higher nutritional quality would improve mood, reduce tension and stabilize the different parameters of the entire body.

Are you feeling stressed? Perhaps changing your eating habits will allow you to regain energy and feel better. Of course, if the stress is acute and causes you physical and emotional discomfort, do not hesitate and consult your doctor and / or trusted psychologist.

Relieving the effects of stress: how to change your diet

As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, the relationships between food and mood have been established by different scientific studies, such as, for example, in the article Food and mood: Is there a connection? from Harvard Health Publishing.

In particular, it has been proven that people who suffer from stress tend to choose foods high in sugar, fat or both. While it is not known exactly why this happens, it is suspected to be due to high cortisol levels combined with high insulin levels.

Now, are there really foods that can combat and alleviate the effects of stress? The data in this regard is not conclusive but there are some beliefs that we want to share with you.

1. Orange juice

The Orange

Freshly squeezed orange juice contains vitamin C, an essential nutrient that would decrease cortisol production, according to data from a 2001 clinical trial published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine .

Cortisol is known as the stress hormone and its elevated levels may be related to increased fat in the abdominal area, suggests a Yale University study .

2. Oats

By including this food at breakfast, you get an interesting dose of energy for the day. And, on an emotional level, the release of serotonin, the well-being hormone, would be achieved.

This is because oats, like other foods such as bananas and dried plums, contain L-tryptophan, an amino acid necessary for the brain to produce the mentioned hormone.

3. Turkey breast


A moderate serving of turkey breast provides the body with tryptophan, the aforementioned essential amino acid that the body converts to serotonin. This food, therefore, could contribute to reduce aggressive behaviors  and generate an increase in well-being.

On the other hand, as the WebMD Medical Encyclopedia indicates, serotonin is used to generate melatonin, a substance that controls sleep and wake cycles; therefore, eating turkey may help one relax and fall asleep.

It should be noted that it is also a source of protein ; for this reason, it would be a suitable meat to increase muscle mass and physical performance.

4. Yogurt with probiotics

Frontiers in Genetics Magazine notes that one of the secrets to maintaining mental balance would be to have good gut health. A perfectly healthy microbial flora would help avoid negative effects on brain health, including emotional disorders such as depression and anxiety.

Live cultures have an effect on brain chemistry by transmitting signals that regulate mood and behavior. For example, data in the book Human Microbiota in Health and Disease: From Pathogenesis to Therapy explains that the probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus, present in yogurt, would reduce the stress-induced hormone corticosterone .

5. Blueberries


Blueberries contain pigments known as anthocyanins, which are responsible for giving them those characteristic dark colors. These antioxidants have been linked to increased production of dopamine, a chemical secreted in the brain for good coordination, memory function, and mood.

It is believed that its regular consumption would increase a type of white blood cell that is involved in strengthening the immune system and fighting stress.

In fact, research by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) found that eating blueberries could help reduce the genetic and biochemical factors behind depression and suicidal tendencies associated with post-traumatic disorder.

6. Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds contain significant amounts of magnesium, a mineral that acts as a precursor to neurotransmitters such as serotonin.

This substance that is synthesized in the brain would play a major role in the balance of emotions and the general well-being of the body. Although the results of the studies have not been conclusive, it is thought that the magnesium deficiency could be associated with an increase in the stress level. Among the most recommended foods, we find:

  • the nuts
  • Sunflower, pumpkin, or sesame seeds
  • Sweet almonds

7. Avocado


Popularly, it is argued that the consumption of a piece of avocado a day would be a recommended habit to control weight, cholesterol, stress and other disorders that affect health.

This food contains more than 20 essential nutrients, among which potassium, vitamin E, folic acid and fatty acids stand out. It also provides fiber, a substance that prolongs the feeling of satiety and improves digestion.

In addition, it would reduce inflammation in the body and help balance emotional states by reducing the presence of cortisol ; for this reason, WebMD recommends it within the diet to combat stress.

8. Fatty fish

Fish high in omega 3 fatty acids would regulate the body’s inflammatory processes and help relax stressed minds.

This type of healthy fat has been linked to reducing cardiovascular risk and preventing several serious diseases. An article in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research explains that its effects on the body would inhibit the production of cortisol, which is usually increased due to tense and stressful situations. The most recommended are:

  • The salmon
  • The tuna
  • Sardines
  • Mackerel
  • Cod

Keep stress under control

Suffering from stress for a long period of time can affect your health. For this reason, it is advisable to take action on the matter. First of all, it is advisable to consult with your GP to get his opinion on the best way to reduce stress.

On the other hand, changes in diet could serve to alleviate the effects of stress ; of course, always as an accompaniment to the treatment indicated by the professional.

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