The Benefits Of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is very beneficial and has no side effects. The oils can be applied through massages, aromatic baths or as a poultice. For internal use we must consult with a specialist

Aromatherapy is an alternative therapy based on the use of natural or essential oils extracted from plants, flowers, herbs or trees. It aims to improve overall health and well-being. In addition, it is an effective ally in the relief of certain physical ailments or diseases and, in turn, to balance mood and emotions.

Learn about the characteristics and main benefits of aromatherapy. We will share with you all the secrets of this therapy. From the remedies used to how are the aromatherapy sessions . Stay with us and find out!

Aromatherapy Features

This alternative therapy  promotes physical and psychological well-being. It can be used in conjunction with other techniques for a more holistic alternative approach and as an “aid” to scientific medicine. Although aromatherapy “has become fashionable” in the West for some time, the truth is that it is not a new practice in the East. It was already in use in 4500 BC in China. In addition, the ancient Egyptians used essential oils for embalming and for therapeutic purposes.

Essential oils

In Greece, doctors like Galen or Hippocrates took advantage of aromatic herbs to treat their patients. In the Middle Ages, in Europe, they were used to fight diseases. On the other hand, in the Renaissance it is known that Queen Elizabeth I (of England) supported its use. In some countries like the  United Kingdom, there are official associations that regulate the profession of aromatherapist. 

How aromatherapy is appliedAromatherapy

  • Geranium.  Balancing and stimulating. Therefore, it helps to alleviate the symptoms of menstruation, depression and anxiety. On the other hand, it lifts the spirits and calms the nervous system.
  • Ginger.  It favors circulation, it is relaxing, it helps prevent dizziness, nausea and digestive problems. In addition, it helps improve circulation and stimulate the immune system. On the other hand, it is a great ally to treat flu and colds.
  • Grapefruit. AND stimulating, emotional balancing and purifying. Therefore, it allows to regulate emotions and combat respiratory problems such as colds.
  • Lavender. P urifying, balancing, sedative and relaxing. Relieves tension or stress headaches. In addition, it helps to relieve burns and insect bites.
  • Lemon.  Stimulating, refreshing and purifying. Help aa livia r stress and the mental fatigue. Favors blood circulation.
  • Mint.  Antiseptic, decongestant and digestive. It is effective to help against flu, relaxes r the muscles of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract.


  • Sandalwood. D It is congestive, aphrodisiac, relaxing and purifying. Helps relieve emotional problems, calm r the nervous system, balances r the spirit and the body, prepare r for meditation.
  • Rosemary.  It is exhilarating. In addition, it helps to relieve rheumatic and muscle pain. Also, it helps improve circulation.
  • Ylang Ylang.  Aphrodisiac, invigorating, purifying and calming. It is effective for reproductive system problems (especially male). On the other hand, it helps to calm anxiety, regulate the pulse, relieve depression and prevent panic attacks.

How is an aromatherapy session

Before attending an aromatherapy session you should know that it is not a “simple massage”. During the process, you have to concentrate on the sensations produced by the oils and aromas, on the massages, on the heat of the room, etc.


Make time for yourself once I finish. Don’t run to the office. This way, you won’t get good results. First, a specialist is in charge of making an analysis of the health status of each patient. Therefore, he will ask you about your physical problems, illnesses or ailments. Then, based on your answers, he will guide the session using the specific oils.

Five different oils are likely to be placed during the session, which can last from 30 minutes to an hour and a half, depending on the part of the body to be treated. On the other hand, it is very likely that you will have to return for a second appointment, since the results will be more lasting.

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