The Best Sources Of Vegetable Protein

Knowing where to find the best sources of plant protein is important, as this will provide us with beneficial nutrients that will enrich our diet.

Studies such as Soy: truths, myths and legends indicate that vegetable protein has much less fat, the body digests it better, contains more fiber, is cheaper and its production has a lower ecological cost for the planet. Therefore, it has many points in its favor.

The best? Adding more vegetable protein to the diet would help us minimize the risk of cardiovascular disease, by reducing the total cholesterol level as well as LDL (or “bad”) cholesterol.

The best sources of vegetable protein

There are a wide variety of plant foods that provide significant amounts of protein. Although there has been much controversy around their exclusive consumption, in general it is beneficial to include them in a balanced diet.

Are you trying to cut down on animal foods? Then you must know what other sources of protein you can incorporate into the diet. We detail them below:

1. Soy and its derivatives

Soy provides a complete and high-quality protein capable of providing each of the amino acids that the body needs. We can find it in the following foods:

  • Soy milk : a cup provides 12 grams.
  • Tofu : half a cup contains 10 grams of vegetable protein.
  • Tempeh : half a cup has just over 15 grams.

All these products are a source of calcium, a substance that we need to keep our bones strong and healthy.

Soy milk

2. Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds contain varying amounts of protein, are good snacks and are suitable to accompany salads. To consume the necessary protein we can include these foods in our diet:

  • Almonds : 5 grams of protein per 25 grams (serving).
  • Sunflower seeds : 9.5 grams of protein per 35 grams.
  • Walnuts : contains 3.5 grams of protein every 25 grams.

Surely you have ever been told that it is good to consume a handful of walnuts every day. This, really, can be beneficial for our body since they would prevent cardiovascular diseases and help maintain a healthy weight, according to data from a 2018 study.

For their part, peanuts are also rich in vitamin E, dietary fiber and phytosterols, which would help lower cholesterol. Almonds and hazelnuts are also rich in vitamin E.

3. Legumes

Legumes are also high in dietary fiber. In addition, according to a publication by the American Heart Association , its interesting potassium content would help reduce the risk of hypertension.

Some good sources of plant protein are:

  • Lentils.
  • Cooked beans.
  • Garbanzo beans.
  • Pinto beans.
  • Kidney beans.


If we take a cup of each of the legumes mentioned, we will obtain around 13 or 18 grams of vegetable protein, depending on the variety chosen.

4. Whole grains

You’ve probably heard it said that whole grains, like wheat and brown rice, are healthier and contain more protein than refined grains. But why this? Well, since they are unprocessed (or less processed) foods, they maintain their nutrients in an integral way.

Therefore, it is interesting to minimize the consumption of white bread and refined rice. Remember that by processing the grains, the bran and the germ are eliminated, along with most of the proteins and the rest of the nutrients.

It should be said that whole grains are easy to incorporate into a healthy diet. Let’s see how we can benefit from this last of the best sources of vegetable protein:

  • Brown rice : a cup provides approximately 5 grams.
  • Oatmeal : one cup provides approximately 11 grams of protein.
  • Barley : a cup contributes approximately 19 grams.
  • Quinoa : a cup of cooked quinoa provides about 24 grams.

As we can see, there are several sources of vegetable protein that can enrich our diet. We advise including these foods more frequently to benefit from all their benefits.

Also, although we should not do without animal protein, reducing its consumption and increasing that of vegetable protein can help us feel much better. Consult with your nutritionist or doctor in this regard, before making any changes to your diet.

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