The Keys To The Beauty Ritual Of Japanese Women

Japanese women are known for their delicate beauty,  always so well preserved, so elegant.

However, there is one fact that should be clarified first: they tend to invest a large amount of money in the most innovative and ingenious treatments.

However, they also tend to use the most ancient, traditional remedies, those that combine with the latest advances in beauty and aesthetics.

Porcelain skin, youthful eyes, delicate lips … Japanese women seek to be beautiful at all times to adapt to those supposed masculine schemes of aesthetic perfection.

We cannot forget that we are in a very patriarchal society where that careful femininity guarantees, for example, finding a husband or continuing to please her husband.

Beauty rituals are a bit more daring and marked, at times, by Western fashions.

Beyond Japanese culture, what interests us is to know some secret of Japanese women. Know how they take care of their skin, how they take care of their beauty or how they fight against the passage of time.

Here we reveal two of its secrets.

1. Rice water in the beauty ritual of Japanese women

We are sure that you have already heard, on more than one occasion, how beneficial rice water can be. Japanese women, as we have pointed out before, invest a lot of money in facial treatments.

However, they know how to combine the most “cutting edge” with the “traditional” very well. We could safely say that the rice water mask is a classic in your beauty routines.

japanese women

Rice water takes care of your skin

Next, we reveal the secrets of this natural resource for our skin.

  • Rice is a good toner for the skin. Thanks to an organic compound called inositol, we delay aging. It also helps us to stimulate blood circulation.
  • Rice water provides us with vitamin B, ideal for regenerating skin cells and achieving good protection against external elements.
  • Hydrates, regenerates and firms the skin.
  • Rice water has a powerful anti-wrinkle effect.
  • Nor can we forget that it is a great exfoliator. It helps us eliminate dead cells and reactivate blood flow.
  • It also helps us to tone up and eliminate acne spots.

How to make your rice water mask

Rice water


  • ½ glass of the water resulting from cooking organic brown rice (100 ml)
  • ⅓ avocado (50 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)


  • Measurements are informational only. The essential idea is to combine our rice water with avocado and honey to get a homogeneous paste that we can apply to the face.
  • Use a teaspoon to mix all the ingredients (rice water, avocado and honey) and apply it every night with a clean face.
  • Let it act for 20 minutes and remove with fresh water.

2. The importance of double facial cleansing in everyday life

Facial cleansing is key to achieving a smooth, healthy and youthful complexion. Japanese women usually spend a lot of time on this technique and they do it in two ways:

  • A first cleaning with which to remove dirt from the face: sebum, makeup …
  • Another cleaning that is intended to remove dead skin.

We know that it is very possible that you yourself already follow this strategy. However, we give you the keys to how Japanese women do it through these home remedies.

The double facial cleansing: rice and lavender


It’s very easy to do. To do so, we will follow the following steps:


  • ½ glass of rice water (100 ml)
  • ½ cup of coarse salt (100 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of almond oil (5 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of dried lavender (10 g)


The first thing we will do is wash our face well with the rice water. Make sure this water is a little warm (never hot).

To carry out the cleaning,  we will take a cotton pad and moisten it with warm rice water.

  • Wash your face in circular motions to remove any dirt. Spend about ten minutes doing this cleaning.
  • Next, we are going to carry out the exfoliation. We will use a small bowl where we will add that teaspoon of almond oil.
  • Then add the coarse salt and that tablespoon of dried lavender. Mix well with the help of a spoon.
  • Next, we proceed to perform an exfoliating massage on our face. Use, once again, a cotton pad and rub those most critical areas: forehead, cheekbones, nose and chin.
  • In this way, we remove the skin and dead skin and activate the blood circulation of our face. We will dedicate about 5 or 10 minutes to this second phase of facial cleansing.
  • Afterwards, you will only have to remove this treatment with fresh water. Gently pat dry with a washcloth and appreciate the result.

Your skin will look clean, elastic and beautiful. Try to carry out these rituals on a regular basis. It can be a good alternative to expensive facials.

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