Top 20 Of The Best Beauty Tips For Women

Certainly, cosmetic products are useful  to look spectacular. However, there are home care that can help us make a difference to be beautiful every day. Follow these beauty tips.

10 beauty tips for skin

Facial mask

Our skin requires some attention to make it look healthy, radiant and young. Apart from the products you can buy, we give you 10 beauty tips that contribute to skin care:

  • Wash your face with honey. Instead of soaps or chemicals, apply honey all over your face, then wash it off with warm water.
  • Use cold water. Hot water can cause sagging and dry skin. On the contrary, cold water helps to tone, close the pores and preserve the natural oils of the skin.
  • Use a soft towel.  When you’re done rinsing, pat yourself dry with a soft towel.
  • Apply vegetable oils.  The oils hydrate, cleanse and soften the skin naturally. Use coconut, almond, olive, or rosehip oil.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol.  It causes dehydration and therefore dry skin and premature aging.
  • Drink natural juices.  Fruit and vegetable juices provide the skin with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that stimulate its regeneration and protect it from external damage.
  • Do exercise.  It contributes to a correct oxygenation of the cells. Just 30 minutes of exercise a day can have a very positive impact on your complexion.
  • Exfoliate the skin.  Helps remove dead cells that build up. First, mix some oatmeal with honey, then gently massage it all over your face.
  • Tone up.  It is essential in any beauty routine to take care of the skin. The toner refreshes, tightens pores and removes excess oil.
  • Reduce inflammation.  The skin around the eyes tends to become inflamed and tired-looking due to dark circles. Put in the refrigerator some cucumber slices and then apply them on the eyelids.

5 beauty tips for hair

Woman at the hairdresser

Hair needs to be hydrated frequently and given the right nutrients to stay strong and shiny. The following recommendations are part of the ideal routine for healthy hair:

  • Hydration.  It is very important to guarantee hydration to the hair by applying moisturizing products. You can use coconut, rosemary, or olive oil.
  • Conditioner. It gives the hair an incredible shine, in addition to facilitating its combing. A good option is to crush half a ripe avocado and mix it with a tablespoon of coconut oil. It is applied throughout the hair, it is left to act for 10 minutes and it is rinsed off.
  • Avoid sun exposure.  Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause dryness, hair loss, and other hair problems.
  • Avoid chemicals.  Using dyes, gels, and some types of chemical shampoos have side effects on your hair. Dryness, fall, brittleness or split ends are some of these unwanted effects.
  • Apple vinager. Dilute apple cider vinegar in equal parts with water and apply it to your hair. It works to prevent dandruff, remove excess oil, stimulate hair growth, and condition.

5 beauty tips for nails

Well-groomed nails

Healthy and beautiful nails always make a good impression. Get them with these tips:

  • Manicure.  It should be done at least once a week to deeply clean the nails and remove dead cells.
  • Hydration. Applying a moisturizing hand cream daily is one way to keep your nails moisturized and healthy.
  • Olive oil.  When the nails are brittle and tend to break, a good remedy is to immerse them in a cup with olive oil.
  • Garlic.  This ingredient helps strengthen nails to prevent splitting or cracking. Apply garlic directly to your nails or mix it with nail polish for a better treatment.
  • Decor.  For the nails to look unique and fashionable, nothing better than painting them and adding some detail.

Also read: 7 food tricks to take care of hair and nails

In short, with this complete list of beauty tips you can no longer make excuses for not taking care of yourself. Get beautiful!

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