What Are The Symptoms Of High Blood Sugar?

High blood sugar symptoms can go unnoticed, sometimes for a long time. This applies mainly in the case of children or people who do not see their doctor on a regular basis.

Symptoms of high blood sugar occur mostly in people who have diabetes. However, they can also be the consequence of some diseases or of the ingestion of certain medications.

However, it must be borne in mind that these clinical manifestations cannot be taken lightly. Although it is true that they are frequent among patients with type 2 diabetes, they do not always correspond to this disorder. Therefore, the medical evaluation will be essential.

What is high blood sugar?

High blood sugar, also called “hyperglycemia,” occurs when the body fails to maintain a normal glucose level. This occurs because the pancreas does not make enough insulin.

In certain cases, it may be that the cells are resistant to insulin. Consequently, the pancreas cannot keep up and glucose begins to accumulate in the bloodstream, instead of going to the cells.

There is talk of high blood sugar level when it is higher than 130 mg / dl, before a meal; or greater than 180 mg / dl two hours after eating. When these values ​​are exceeded, we speak of hyperglycemia.

Keep in mind that, in general, symptoms of high blood sugar appear only when blood glucose is above 250 mg / dl. Some of them appear in a short time, while others only become visible after a long period with high blood glucose.

Hyperglycemia can be acute or chronic. The acute is temporary, while the chronic takes place in the long term. The latter is the one that almost always corresponds to a picture of diabetes.

Patient measuring blood glucose

Symptoms of a moderately high blood sugar

When the level of glucose in the blood is slightly above the normal range, for prolonged periods, it is common for mild manifestations to appear. These include the three typical symptoms of high blood sugar:

  • Constant feeling of thirst
  • More urination.
  • Increased appetite .

However, these manifestations are not usually intense, so in many cases they go unnoticed. Special attention should be paid to children, who rarely perceive these states as abnormal. In any case, it is best to do a sugar test to avoid surprises.

Symptoms of high blood sugar

When blood sugar levels are high, there are changes in urination habits and appetite. Excessive urination is due to a biological and chemical reaction in the body. The cells pump water into the bloodstream and the kidneys are unable to reabsorb it, so there is an uncontrollable expulsion of water.

This, in turn, increases dehydration and symptoms such as feeling thirsty. On the other hand, the low level of insulin causes that there is more appetite than normal. The lack of this substance causes the sugar to become concentrated in the blood and not used by the cells to function.

When it is not intervened in time, its manifestations are the following:

  • Extreme thirst.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Red, hot and dry skin.
  • Lightheadedness or agitation
  • Drowsiness or difficulty waking up

Also, the symptoms can get worse and cause complications such as:

  • Increased heart rate and weak pulse.
  • Heavy and heavy breathing.
  • Abdominal pain and vomiting
  • Strong, fruity-smelling breath.
  • Confusion and lethargy.
Woman drinks water from glass

Other symptoms

Other symptoms of high blood sugar, which often appear before diabetes is diagnosed, include the following:

  • Weight loss. Despite the fact that the person eats more and more, they do not gain weight, but rather lose it.
  • More infections. Urinary and fungal infections (yeast and yeast infections) occur. The high glucose level is responsible for this.
  • Slow healing and wound healing.
  • Dry and itchy skin. It is generally due to dehydration and poor circulation caused by high blood glucose.
  • Vision problems. There is blurred vision, also from dehydration. Over time it can lead to serious problems, such as retinopathy.
  • Headache and trouble concentrating.
  • Chronic constipation or chronic diarrhea.
  • Erectile dysfunction.
  • Irritability.

What to do about these symptoms?

As common as they may seem, the symptoms of high blood sugar should not be overlooked. If you suspect that glucose levels are out of control, it is advisable to see a doctor.

If the symptoms are recurrent, the professional may suggest some complementary tests to determine if there is diabetes. If so, it will guide you towards appropriate treatment, depending on the case.

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