What Is The Difference Between Serum And Blood Plasma?

Serum and blood plasma are part of the blood. In principle, we could think that these are different ways of referring to the same substance, but this is not the case. There are small differences between serum and blood plasma.

Serum and plasma, which are drawn from the blood, can be used for specific clinical tests. These facilitate the diagnosis of certain diseases. To separate these components, the blood is placed in test tubes and centrifuged.

Centrifuging blood we will obtain two fractions. The first is a heavier cell fraction that contains red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and other cells of the immune system. The second constitutes a free fraction of yellowish cells, known as blood plasma.

Difference between serum and blood plasma

Difference between serum and blood plasma

The key that differentiates serum from blood plasma is clotting factors. These are small proteins in the blood that are responsible for clotting when necessary, for example, if we get injured.

Blood plasma is made up of the same elements as serum plus clotting factors that serum does not contain.

Among the clotting factors we find fibrinogen, a fundamental substance in the blood clotting process.

Without fibrinogen, the body loses the ability to contain bleeding. Having abnormal levels of this element can lead to important disorders, such as hemophilia.

Generally, diseases related to the lack of one, several or all of the clotting factors are usually treated with blood plasma donations.

What is blood plasma used for?

Blood plasma is made up mostly of water. However, it also preserves important components such as vitamins, hormones or proteins. The most important proteins in plasma are:

  • Albumin. It is responsible for maintaining blood pressure.
  • Globulins. They perform defense functions.
  • Coagulation factors. Involved in wound healing.
  • Lipoproteins. They stabilize other lipid molecules in an aqueous environment such as blood.

Blood plasma is used in patients who have suffered burns. The objective is to replace the fluids and proteins lost, since the skin in these cases is not able to retain fluids.

The coagulant benefits of plasma are also taken advantage of in people with coagulation deficiencies, such as hemophiliacs.

What is serum for?

What is serum for

The serum retains a high concentration of antibodies. Consequently, it  is used to treat infections through a mechanism known as an immune response.

In this way, the antibodies found in the serum adhere to the infectious agent. Thus, they generate a chain reaction that leads to their elimination.

On the other hand, serum has a high concentration of electrolytes. Because of this, it is also used to treat patients with chronic dehydration. It is generally combined with other nutrients that provide energy and vitality to the patient.

Other important functions of serum and blood plasma

Platelet rich plasma

Platelet rich plasma

Blood plasma contains a significant amount of substances that participate in the tissue regeneration process. In this process, it has the power to stimulate the repair of damaged tissues.

On the other hand, recently, the ability of platelets contained in blood plasma to minimize and slow down the appearance of wrinkles has been demonstrated . Thus, they have begun to be used in anti-aging therapies and treatments.

Through the technique of applying platelet-rich plasma for facial rejuvenation, the cells responsible for producing collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid are activated. This allows for the biostimulation necessary for tissue regeneration.

Blood serum

Blood serum, for its part,  has antibacterial, antiviral and antioxidant functions.

Therefore, it is also called immune serum. And it is that it is rich in components that make up the body’s immune system, such as antibodies.

Blood serum is used to treat mild inflammations such  as tonsillitis, cystitis or otitis. Its use has been going on for decades and has given amazing results in the treatment of certain infections.

What is the main difference?

Although both are part of the blood, what differentiates serum from blood plasma are clotting factors. Consequently, each one has a different function in the body.

Plasma participates in the transport of lipids and other nutrients. In addition, it is related to body temperature and blood pressure. It is also used to treat clotting problems.

Serum, for its part, is used for its antioxidant capacity in the treatment of inflammations. It is also the part of the blood that is used to determine the blood group.

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