Why Should We Have A Liver Infusion Every Night?

The liver is one of the organs of our body that suffers the most from the consequences of poor diet, additives and toxic substances, negative emotions, pollution, etc. For this reason, and to prevent health problems, we must take special care of it with natural remedies.

In this article we explain the many advantages of taking an infusion every night to improve liver function. A simple and preventive natural remedy.

Take note!

The importance of the liver

Fatty liver

The liver is the largest organ in our body, and one of the most important. Its functions include transforming food into energy, eliminating toxins and helping the digestion process.

Although it is one of the organs that suffers the most from the bad habits of modern life, it also has the great advantage of its capacity for self-regeneration. In other words, if cells in this organ die, or part of it has to be removed, new cells are created naturally.

What is a liver infusion?

Benefits of gentian infusion

A liver infusion is made from medicinal plants that improve the function of the liver and gallbladder and prevent diseases that are derived from the malfunction of these organs.

They are usually bitter-tasting infusions that, in general, not only have to be brought to a boil, but also must be left to rest for a few minutes later.

We can choose one or more plants or buy one of the preparations marketed by herbalists, which already include mixtures of several of them.

Which one can we choose?

We highlight some of the medicinal plants commonly consumed to treat and prevent liver-related diseases:

1. Milk thistle

It is one of the best plants to regenerate the liver. Among its components we find vitamin C, minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium or selenium, linoleic acid, and flavonoids such as quercetin.

2. Dandelion

This plant is excellent because it cares for both liver and kidney function, thus enhancing the body’s purifying powers. Very useful in cases of lazy liver or fatty liver, as it increases the secretion of bile.

3. Boldo

Boldo contains alkaloids such as boldine, which protects the liver and is used to activate the production and expulsion of bile. It also relieves digestive discomfort, purifies the body and fights insomnia.

4. Artichoke

The caffeic, linoleic and oleic acids it contains protect the liver and help its recovery in case of liver diseases such as cirrhosis, hepatitis or liver failure.

We also highlight green tea, a very beneficial plant for the liver, rich in antioxidants and with many other health properties. However, we did not add it to the list because it is slightly stimulating, so it can make it difficult for some people to sleep.

Yes, we can take it if we are going to stay up late or we do not have difficulty falling asleep.

How do we take them?


  • The infusion should contain little water to avoid the urge to urinate at night, which would interrupt our rest. Half a glass (100 ml) will suffice.
  • We will let it rest and we will take it hot or warm.
  • We will enhance its effects if we add the juice of half a lemon. In this way we will also hide its bitter taste.
  • If we want to sweeten it, we will do it with a little natural stevia, in extract or added in leaves to the infusion.
  • We will take it before going to bed, no later than 11 pm.

Why at night?

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the liver and gallbladder regenerate during the early hours of the morning, so any supplement we take will be much more effective at this time.

For this reason it is also essential that dinners are made early and are light. In this way, the liver is freed from the digestive process and can dedicate all its energy to its own recovery.

With these simple tips we can notice a great improvement in the night’s rest and in the energy levels when we wake up.

Before taking medicinal infusions we recommend consulting with your family doctor or naturopath.

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